英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [krɒp]

美 [krɑ:p]



过去式: cropped 过去分词: cropped 现在分词: cropping 第三人称单数: crops

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  • 嗉囊
  • 大量
  • 一批,一群
  • 剪短
  • 平头,短发
  • 马鞭,猎鞭,鞭
  • 产量,收成,收获
  • 庄稼,农作物
  • 一熟(量)收成,一次收获(量)收成,一季的收获量
  • 收成,收割,收获,刈割
  • 啮,啃去,啃吃,咬掉,啃去(…的尖)
  • 啮草, 吃草,啃草,喂草
  • 发生
  • 修剪(树木),剪,剪短,理(平头),剪裁(照片),裁切(照片),剪切
  • 生产
  • 发芽
  • 割去一角(作标记)
  • 剪掉多余白边,切齐(…的书边)
  • 突然出现,突然发生
  • 露出
  • 种植,栽培,播种,在…上种植,在(土地)上播种,种(庄稼)
  • 垦(地)
  • [P]作物,庄稼 agricultural plants in the fields
  • [C](谷物等的)一熟,收成 amount of grain, fruit, etc. grown in one year or season
  • [S]一群(人),一批(事物) a group of people or quantity of things
  • vt. 剪短,修剪 cut short; prune
  • vt. 播种,种植 sow or plant
  • vi. 收成 bear a crop


1. a pouch in many birds and some lower animals that resembles a stomach for storage and preliminary maceration of food

Synonym: craw

2. the stock or handle of a whip

3. the output of something in a season

e.g. the latest crop of fashions is about to hit the stores

4. a collection of people or things appearing together

e.g. the annual crop of students brings a new crop of ideas

5. a cultivated plant that is grown commercially on a large scale

6. the yield from plants in a single growing season

Synonym: harvest


1. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of

e.g. dress the plants in the garden

Synonym: snipcliptrimlopdressprunecut back

2. cut short

e.g. She wanted her hair cropped short

3. feed as in a meadow or pasture

e.g. the herd was grazing

Synonym: browsegrazerangepasture

4. let feed in a field or pasture or meadow

Synonym: grazepasture

5. yield crops

e.g. This land crops well

6. prepare for crops

e.g. Work the soil
cultivate the land

Synonym: cultivatework

1. 庄稼;作物
Crops are plants such as wheat and potatoes that are grown in large quantities for food.

e.g. Rice farmers here still plant and harvest their crops by hand...
e.g. The main crop is wheat and this is grown even on the very steep slopes.

2. (谷物或水果的)收成,产量
The plants or fruits that are collected at harvest time are referred to as a crop .

e.g. Each year it produces a fine crop of fruit...
e.g. The US government says that this year's corn crop should be about 8 percent more than last year...

3. (在一起的)一群(人);(同时发生的)一些(事情)
You can refer to a group of people or things that have appeared together as a crop of people or things.


e.g. The present crop of books and documentaries about Marilyn Monroe exploit the thirtieth anniversary of her death...
e.g. Next year's crop of undergraduates opting to take physics represents just 2 per cent of all undergraduates.

4. 结果实;有收成
When a plant crops, it produces fruits or parts which people want.

e.g. Although these vegetables adapt well to our temperate climate, they tend to crop poorly.

5. 收割;收获
When you crop something that you have planted, you collect the fruits or parts that you want from it.


e.g. I started cropping my beans in July.

6. (牛、马等)啃吃(树叶或植物)
When an animal such as a cow or horse crops leaves or plants, it eats them.

e.g. I let the horse drop his head to crop the spring grass.

7. 剪短(头发)
To crop someone's hair means to cut it short.


e.g. She cropped her hair and dyed it blonde.

She had cropped grey hair.

8. 短发
A crop is a short hairstyle.

e.g. She had her long hair cut into a boyish crop.

9. 剪裁,裁切(照片)
If you crop a photograph, you cut part of it off, in order to get rid of part of the picture or to be able to frame it.

e.g. I decided to crop the picture just above the water line...
e.g. Her husband was cropped from the photograph.

10. the cream of the crop -> see cream

相关词组:crop up

1. crop的意思

1. 裁切:下面修剪(Trim)、合并(Merge)、裁切(Crop)三个按钮的运算非常相似,都是对图形的优化精简操作. 优化后的作品成为单层的无重叠区域图形. 这些命令在你绘制好作品之后作商业输出非常有用.


2. 庄稼:地里的庄稼(crop)女人说种啥,男人就种啥. 左邻右舍女人说跟谁走近点跟谁走远点,男人全听女人的. 男人正跟人闲侃,女人一声喊,男人像被牵了鼻子的牛,乖乖就回去了. 男人正跟人喝酒,女人上前只扯一下耳朵(ear),就被拽进家.

3. 裁剪:完成后,选择图像(Image)>裁剪(Crop)命令. 现在,将图像保存为Photoshop文件. 我们最后得到的纹理是200ppi分辨率下的一英寸见方的图像. 当基本的纹理准备好以后,它并不会自然而然的合理平铺. 由于那些图形边线不能完美的相配起来,

4. crop:cpas reforming our profession; 注册会计师改革行业

5. crop:coronary risk prediction; 模型

  • 常用短语

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  • 经典引文

    (尤指石头)裸露在地面各处 show here and there above the surface of the land
    crop out

    Be careful how you walk in this field, there are lots of rocks cropping out.


1. crop up : 突然出现, 突然发生;

2. crop out : 突然发生, 出现, 露头;

  • We grow a variety of crops, including cabbages, wheat and barley.
  • The rain will bring forward young crops.
  • The soil, poor and alkaline, produced feeble crops.
  • Cotton and tobacco are the main economic crops.
  • The land is in crop.
  • Some of fields are out of crop.
  • When the summer crop is ripening, the autumn crop has to be sowed.
  • The rice here bears two crops a year.
  • We had a big crop of bananas last year.
  • When the fruit trees are in bud or blossom, frosts may damage the crops.
  • The fresh crop of children is full of energy.
  • Since the last table-tennis championships a crop of promising players has appeared.
  • There is a large crop of mistakes in your essay.
  • Her statement produced a crop of problems.
  • This plant doesn't crop very heavily.
  • That field has cropped well.
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
  • The Husbandman looks not for a crop in the wild desart.

    出自:Joseph Hall
  • Is the crop really ready?

    出自:J. H. B. Peel
  • The stony hillside where sheep were cropping.

    出自:E. Glasgow
  • His horse moved, cropping the dark turf.

    出自:W. de la Mare
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

  • crop用作名词的基本意思是“作物,庄稼”,还可指“(谷物等的)一熟,收成”,是农业上的用语。引申可用作量词,表示“一群(人),一批(事物)”。
  • crop作“作物,庄稼”解时常用复数; 作“一群(人),一批(事物)”解时常用单数。
  • crop用作及物动词时,主要指把树或草的顶部剪去一小块,用于头发时则指将其剪得很短,还可指某动物把某植物吃短。crop可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。crop用作及物动词还可表示(在土地上)播种,以土地作宾语,而以with引出播种物。
  • crop用作不及物动词可以表示“收成”,以收获物作主语,常含有被动意义。
  • crop接out〔up〕可表示“(岩石等)露出地面”; 接up还可表示“突然发生”或“意外地发现”。
crop, harvest
  • 在笼统地指“收获,收成”时,这两个词常可互换。例如:
  • We had a bigger crop〔harvest〕 this year than last year.我们今年的收成比去年好。其区别是:
  • 1.crop是普通用语,可指一年、一个季节或一块地收获的各种农产品,包括谷物、果类、蔬菜以及其他经济作物; harvest是较正式用语,一般指夏初收获的农作物。
  • 2.指生长在地里的农作物时,只能用crop; 指“收割”的具体行动或“收割季节”时,只能用harvest。例如:
  • The rice crop looks excellent.水稻看来长势很好。
  • Rice is usually cheap after harvest.稻谷在收获后通常卖得便宜。
  • They all help with the harvest.他们都来帮着收割。
  • 3.harvest还可引申指“努力的成果或某种行为的后果”; crop则没有这个意思。例如:
  • Her researches have yielded a rich harvest.她的研究已取得丰硕的成果。
  • Ade has reaped the harvest of his mistakes.艾德已经尝到自己的错误造成的苦果。
  • v.(动词)
    crop, plant
  • 这两个词都可表示“植物”。其区别是:
  • crop主要指栽培的“作物”; 而plant则既可指栽培的“作物”,也可指野生的“植物”。例如:
  • The farmers plant crops in the spring.农民在春季种庄稼。
  • Trees, grass, flowers, vegetables and fruit are plants.树、草、花、菜、果都是植物。
    • ☆ 直接源自古英语的cropp,意为鸟的食袋,芽或草的头部。
    Cowpeas are an important crop in many African countries.(黑眼豆是很多非洲国家的重要作物。)
    He said drought had led to severe crop failure for the second year running.(他说干旱已连续两年造成严重农作物歉收。)
    Their whole crop had been blasted by a late frost.(一场晚霜把他们的庄稼全毁了。)
    Sugar is an important crop on the island.(糖料作物是这个岛上的一种重要作物。)
    The crop failure spelt disaster for many farmers.(对许多农民来说,庄稼歉收就意味着灾难。)
    Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden severe autumn.(有一半水果作物在秋天突如其来的严寒中冻死了。)
    The present crop of books and documentaries about Marilyn Monroe exploit the thirtieth anniversary of her death.(现在这批有关玛丽莲·梦露的书籍和记录片是借她去世三十周年纪念之机而发行的。)
    It might be possible to extend the technique to other crop plants.(把该技术扩延到其它农作物上也许是可能的。)
    A period of freezing weather destroyed a large part of Brazil's coffee crop.(一段时间的严寒天气摧毁了巴西大部分的咖啡作物。)
    Last year 400,000 acres of land yielded a crop worth $1.75 billion.(去年40万英亩的土地出产了价值17.5亿美元的粮食。)
    crop是什么意思 crop在线翻译 crop什么意思 crop的意思 crop的翻译 crop的解释 crop的发音 crop的同义词