英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:42:16
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. a swarthy complexion

Synonym: duskinessswarthiness

2. having a dark or somber color

3. an unenlightened state

e.g. he was in the dark concerning their intentions
his lectures dispelled the darkness

Synonym: dark

4. an unilluminated area

e.g. he moved off into the darkness

Synonym: darkshadow

5. absence of light or illumination

Synonym: dark

6. absence of moral or spiritual values

e.g. the powers of darkness

Synonym: iniquitywickednessdark

1. darkness是什么意思

1. 暗度:速度(speed)、明暗度(darkness)的设定及碳带(ribbon)、标签纸(label)本身的品质等,都有可能影响列印品质. 1.感应器(Gap Sensor)太弱,请以顺时针方向调强感应. 2.应器(Gap Sensor)有标签黏著等情况,请参考使用手册清除.

2. 长夜:第四章 长夜 (DARKNESS) 在太阳迟迟不落的坎雷斯的西边,守卫不失风趣地在被藤蔓布满的墙边毫无保留地晒着婀娜优美的肌肤. 荒废的贫民窟的毒气到不了这儿. 这里有的只是愉悦的肌肤之亲和甜美的睡眠. 而且这都是以前从来都没有享受过甚至于知道的.

  • 经典引文

  • The Darkness and Superstition of later Ages.

The house was plunged into total darkness when the electricity was cut off.(停电后,整座房子陷入一片黑暗。)
Strange shadows moved silently in the almost permanent darkness.(奇怪的影子在几乎永远的黑暗中静静地移动。)
The darkness had disorientated him.(黑暗使他迷失了方向。)
Darkness spread and enfolded him.(黑暗弥漫开来,将他笼罩。)
A flurry of shots rang out in the darkness.(黑暗中突然发出一片枪声。)
Their shouts re-echoed through the darkness.(他们的喊声回荡在黑暗中。)
The cigarette's red glow danced about in the darkness.(香烟的红色暗光在黑暗中闪烁。)
I make it into the darkness with only one stumble.(我只踉跄了一下就把它弄进了黑暗中。)
A voice boomed out from the darkness.(黑暗中传来低沉有力的嗓音。)
A power failure plunged everything into darkness.(电源故障使一切陷入黑暗。)
darkness是什么意思 darkness在线翻译 darkness什么意思 darkness的意思 darkness的翻译 darkness的解释 darkness的发音 darkness的同义词