英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [daɪ'gresɪv]

美 [daɪ'gresɪv]


副词: digressively 名词: digressiveness

  • 英英释义

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1. (of e.g. speech and writing) tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects

e.g. amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things
a rambling discursive book
his excursive remarks
a rambling speech about this and that

Synonym: discursiveexcursiverambling

2. of superficial relevance if any

e.g. a digressive allusion to the day of the week
a tangential remark

Synonym: tangential

1. 枝节的:digressdigressiondivagateirrelvancevagrancy 离题 | digressive 枝节的 | digressiveexcursivetangential 离题的

2. 枝节的/离题的:digression /离题/扯到枝节上/脱轨/ | digressive /枝节的/离题的/ | digressively /脱节地/题外地/

3. 離題的:congress 國會 | digressive 離題的 | progress 進展

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The new series also includes a piston design that makes digressive forces for added pitch and roll control. This helps with performance over rough terrains and on off-road surfaces.(新系列还包括一个活塞设计,它可降低阻力,增加间距和滚转控制,这有助于军用车辆在崎岖的地形和越野路面的表现。)
A digressive allusion to the day of the week; a tangent ial remark.(附带提及那个星期的那一天;附带评论。)
You may have said to yourself as you were reading it, "Gee, isn't this sort of digressive?"(你可能阅读的时候你对自己说:“哎呀,难道这不是离题了吗?”)
And you may have said to yourself as you were reading it, "Well, gee, isn't this sort of digressive?"(读的时候你可能会对自己说,天,难道这不是离题了吗?)
I usually become digressive when I am exhausted or bored.(通常我疲惫厌倦时,就会离题。)
Women write ongoing paratactic, impressionist, digressive, — AD hoc sentences: sentences without ego — being without structure more or less corresponding to being without ego.(女人喜欢写流水样的,印象主义的,离题的,特别的句子:,没有自我的句子-,句子一旦没有结构那么,或多或少就少了自我。)
Many difficulties cause the module stability to be possible repeating and carry out the digressive performance.(诸多难点使得组件的稳定性、可复用性和执行性能大打折扣。)
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