英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 10:03:06

dead to the world

英 [ded tu: ðə wɜː(r)ld]

美 [dɛd tu ði wɜrld]

  • 网络解释

1. dead to the world是什么意思

1. 睡得很香:dead serious 认真得不得了 | dead to the world 睡得很香 | dear Jone letter 绝交信

2. dead to the world的解释

2. 对周围事物毫无感受 失去知觉 熟睡 烂醉如泥:rise in the world 发迹, 露头角, 飞黄腾达 | dead to the world 对周围事物毫无感受 失去知觉 熟睡 烂醉如泥 | depart out of this world 逝世, 去世


3. 对周围事物毫无感受:Dead right 绝对正确. | Dead to the world 对周围事物毫无感受 | Dead wrong 大错特错

4. 睡的很香:44. cold fish 冷酷无情的人 | 45. dead to the world 睡的很香 | 46. sad news 酒店的帐单

Thousands of innocents lie dead in the wreckage of the World Trade Centre; hundreds more seem likely to have perished at the Pentagon and in a crashed airliner in Pennsylvania.(数以千计无辜的平民丧生在世界贸易中心的残骸之中,还有数百人在五角大楼和宾夕法尼亚的飞机机坠毁中丧生。)
And then I got back to the world, and the weddings and the picnics were the same as everything had been in Iraq, silent and slow and heavy and dead.(然后我到了人世间,一样的婚礼,一样的野餐,一切都和伊拉克一样,沉默,缓慢,沉重,笼罩的死亡的气息。)
Indigenous tribes in many parts of the world discovered that the best way of disposing the dead was to put them up high, rather than down below.(在世界许多地方的土著部落中发现,处理死者最好的方式是把他们往高处放,而不是埋入坟墓中。)
It is hard to imagine a world where the pastime of cooking is dead and meals can be created at the touch of a button.(很难想象,在这样一个世界里,烹饪这种消遣已经不复存在,人们只需按一下按钮就能做出饭菜来。)
Most world-championship games, he claimed, were pre-arranged, proof that the “old chess” was dead, and rotten to the core.(他宣称,大多数世界冠军比赛都是事先安排好的,这证明了旧的国际象棋体制已经寿终正寝。)
I look at the world differently now: if police officers can go to someone's house, let them make a cup of tea and the next minute they're dead, then we're living in a world where anything can happen.(现在我看世界不同了:如果警察可以去别人家里,让他们泡一杯茶,下一分钟,他们就死了,我们生活在一个什么都可能发生的世界。)
It is a festival to go from this world across to the dead world. Let us see through this comedy of sentient being and thereby enjoy it.(这是个节日来从这个世界前往那个死亡世界,让我们来观察这个有情众生的喜剧,从而来享受它。)
This condition tends not to be appreciated because of what he refers to as a fundamentally false evaluation of the dead world on the part of the sentient world.(这个条件往往不得到赞赏,由于他提到的基本的错误的,对死亡世界的评价,就那个感知世界而言。)
This is part of what lies behind a slang term of the marketing and entertainment business that has recently started to appear in media addressed to the wider world: deleb, short for "dead celebrity".(这就是最近市场营销和娱乐业中一个俚语开始在媒体中广泛出现的部分原因,这个词就是deleb,“已故名人”英文表达的缩写。)
With their competitors all dead, the progeny of a mosquito carrying a mutation that can neutralise the insecticide in question have the world to themselves.(当它们的竞争者都死亡的时候,一只带有一种突变蚊子的后代,能够挺立在杀虫剂之间,同时掌控这个世界。)
dead to the world是什么意思 dead to the world在线翻译 dead to the world什么意思 dead to the world的意思 dead to the world的翻译 dead to the world的解释 dead to the world的发音 dead to the world的同义词