英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:53:33



英 [dɪˈpendəns]

美 [dɪˈpɛndəns]


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1. the state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something else

Synonym: dependancedependency

2. being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming (especially alcohol or narcotic drugs)

Synonym: addictiondependancedependencyhabituation

1. (为了成功或存活的)依靠,依赖
Your dependence on something or someone is your need for them in order to succeed or be able to survive.

e.g. ...the city's traditional dependence on tourism...
e.g. Do you look forward to old age, or do you dread frailty, loss of memory and dependence on others?

2. (对毒品或酒精的)依赖,瘾,癖
If you talk about drug dependence or alcohol dependence, you are referring to a situation where someone is addicted to drugs or is an alcoholic.

e.g. French doctors tend to regard drug dependence as a form of deep-rooted psychological disorder.

3. (受其影响或决定的)依赖(关系)
You talk about the dependence of one thing on another when the first thing will be affected or determined by the second.


e.g. ...the dependence of circulation on production.

1. 相依性:观察模组资讯(information)的「modinfo」指令用来卸除(remove)已经载入模组的「rmmod」指令用来载入(insert)模组的「insmod」指令自动探测(probe)相依性(dependence)来载入或卸除模组的「modprobe」指令


2. 相关性:基于多元正态分布的投资组合理论认为,投资者可以通过投资于低相关性的不同资产来获得收益,资产间的相关性(dependence)可以通过线性相关性来度量.然而现实金融市场中经常会发生这种情况,即不同的金融市场之间具有完全不同的线性相关性,

  • 经典引文

  • The chain of dependence which runs throughout creation.

    出自:J. Tyndall
  • The dependence of the American economy on Third World resources.

    出自:N. Chomsky
Stars competed to admit their dependence.(明星们竞相承认自己对它的依赖。)
You think I exaggerate about the dependence?(你会以为我说依赖是过于夸张?)
We consider that the limitation and dependence of xenogamy are important factors among the factors influencing seed set.(在影响结实率的诸多因素中,异花授粉的效率以及植物对异花授粉的依赖程度是重要因素。)
Too much dependence on the teachers risks loss of autonomy and motivation to discover.(过分依赖教师会有丧失自主性和探究主动性的风险。)
Admittedly, turning to others for help and suggestion by no means refers to absolute and irresponsible dependence.(诚然,向别人寻求帮助和建议绝不是完全地和不负责任地依赖于他人。)
However, dependence need not be long term.(然而,依赖并不需要很长时间。)
The very nature of the initial slash-and-burn agriculture encouraged a further dependence on agriculture and the aggregation of people into denser settlements.(最初的刀耕火种式农业的本质鼓励人们进一步依赖农业,并促使人们聚集到人口更密集的居住区。)
Only an aggressive research and development program might find ways of breaking our dependence on fossil fuels or dealing with it.(只有积极的研究发展项目能够摆脱我们对化石燃料依赖,或找到解决这一问题的方法。)
Illiteracy is dependence.(文盲有依赖性。)
Because it has a strong temperature dependence.(因为它很有很强的温度依赖性。)
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