英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 10:12:19



英 [dɪˈtætʃmənt]

美 [dɪ'tætʃmənt]


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  • 分离
  • 分遣队
  • 超脱
  • 支队
  • 超然
  • 派遣
  • 不偏不倚
  • 分开
  • 特遣舰队
  • 公平无私
  • 分遣
  • 脱离
  • 超脱感
  • 超然的态度
  • 超然自若的心情
  • 队伍
  • 拆卸
  • 特遣小分队
  • 冷漠
  • 公正


1. the act of releasing from an attachment or connection

Synonym: disengagement

2. coming apart

Synonym: separationbreakup

3. avoiding emotional involvement

Synonym: withdrawal

4. a small unit of troops of special composition

5. the state of being isolated or detached

e.g. the insulation of England was preserved by the English Channel

Synonym: insulationinsularityinsularism

1. 超然;冷漠;冷静;客观
Detachment is the feeling that you have of not being personally involved in something or of having no emotional interest in it.

e.g. ...a doctor's professional detachment...
e.g. Ridley viewed his work with a cynical detachment.

2. 分遣队;独立小分队
A detachment is a group of soldiers who are sent away from the main group to do a special job.

e.g. ...a detachment of marines.

1. 超脱:美学理论把超脱(detachment)与非功利(disinterestedness)看作识别艺术作品之为艺术--例如自主性--的惟一途径,与此相反,大众审美观忽视或拒绝对轻率(facile)介入及庸俗(vulgar)愉悦的排斥,这种排斥是偏好形式试验的基础.

2. detachment:det; 超脱

  • 经典引文

  • The complete detachment of the artistic vision from the values imposed on vision by everyday life.

    出自:R. Fry
There were no flow signal in the vitreous detachment body in color Doppler.(彩色多普勒血流成像检查,后脱离的玻璃体上均无血流信号。)
That detachment is felt by the public, too.(公众也觉察到了这种冷漠。)
Detachment fault play a key role in the Lithospheric extension process.(在岩石圈伸展过程中,剥离断层起着重要的作用。)
One day if you and the collective detachment, that is the beginning of the end.(那一天你若和集体脱离,那便是末路的开始。)
The most powerful tool for emotional detachment is observation.(分离情绪最有效的方法是观察。)
"We are a detachment of the People's Guard," the soldier said.(“我们是人民自卫队的队伍。”那战士说。)
Its existence is also decided by our country's social reality and the detachment condition.(它的存在也是由我国的社会现实和客观条件所决定的。)
A detachment of Marines was left behind to help in the destruction.(海军陆战队的一支分队被留下来帮助消毁这些物质。)
Our detachment commander is an F-16 pilot.(我们的特遣队的队长就是一名F-16飞行员。)
One can lead a normal, ordinary life, and yet display inner emotional and mental detachment.(人都可以过上正常的,平凡的生活,但是也都可以显示出内心的情感与精神的脱离。)
detachment是什么意思 detachment在线翻译 detachment什么意思 detachment的意思 detachment的翻译 detachment的解释 detachment的发音 detachment的同义词