英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:59:49


英 ['dekstrəl]

美 ['dekstrəl]


副词: dextrally 名词: dextrality

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1. of or on the right

e.g. a dextral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the right when facing the observer
a dextral flatfish lies with the right eye uppermost

2. preferring to use right foot or hand or eye

e.g. dextral individuals exhibit dominance of the right hand and eye

1. 右旋:壳呈螺旋形,多数种类为右旋(dextral)少数左旋(senistral). 壳可分为两部分,含卷曲内脏器官的螺旋部(Spire)和完的最后一层,容纳头和足的体螺层(body whorl). 螺旋部一般由许多螺层(spiral whorl)构成,有的种类退化(鲍、宝贝等).

2. 右利的:dexterity test 熟练测验 | dextral 右利的 | dextrality 右偏性


3. 右侧的:dextrad 向右 | dextral 右侧的 | dextran 右旋糖苷

4. 在右:dextralstrike-slipfault右旋走向滑动断层 | dextral在右 | dextrin糊精

The ingluvies was supplied by the cranial and the ingluvies, the caudal sinistral and dextral arteries of the ingluvies.(分布于嗉囊的动脉有嗉囊左、右前动脉和嗉囊左、右后动脉。)
The origin of the Jiyang movement is closely related to the transformation of the Tanlu Fault Belt from sinistral to dextral movements.(济阳运动的成因,与郯庐断裂从左旋转向右旋的活动密切相关。)
The main fracture of the western margin fault zone of the South China Sea is originated from the Mesozoic basement fault, continuously developed into dextral strike-slip fault zone in Cenozoic.(南海西缘断裂带的主断裂是一条形成于中生代的基底断裂,在新生代持续活动扩展为右行走滑活动断裂带。)
The main shock occurred on the dextral obduction-type fault zone and the hypocenter depth was about 15km .(汶川地震的主震发生在具有右旋性质的仰冲型断层带上,震源深度为15公里左右。)
S-C fabrics and asymmetric rotational augens in mylonite indicate sinistral shear and locally dextral shear.(组构和不对称旋转碎斑指示以左旋剪切为主。)
The early fault zone was reconstructed and became dextral right - step Z - type fault during dextral - slip stage.(在右行走滑改造阶段,早期左行右阶断裂带被改造为“Z”型右行右阶断裂带。)
Most spiral-shaped snail species are predominantly dextral.(大多数螺旋形的蜗牛主要是右旋的。)
In the case of Lymnaea peregra, studies indicate that a dextral gene is expressed during egg formation.(在锥实螺的例子中,研究表明右旋基因是在卵的形成期表达的。)
Since the Tertiary period, the Red River Fault Zone suffered both of the sinistral movement and dextral movement, but the activities of the north and the south segment were different.(断裂带自第三纪以来,经历了左旋运动、右旋运动,南北两段的活动性有一定的差异。)
For the sake of stress relaxation, the tectonic boundary between these two different terrains (i. e. the Lingshan structure zone) expressed as a dextral fault in late period.(由于应力弛张作用,使两地体间的构造分界线(灵山构造带)后期表现为左旋断层性质。)
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