英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:02:12



英 ['dɪfɪdəns]

美 [ˈdɪfɪdəns, -ˌdɛns]


  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. lack of self-confidence

Synonym: self-doubtself-distrust

1. diffidence是什么意思

1. 缺乏自信:slander#造谣 | diffidence#缺乏自信 | bureau#办公处;局

2. diffidence的反义词

2. 无自信,内向,羞怯:difficulty /困难/难/蹇/ | diffidence /无自信/内向/羞怯/ | diffident /无自信的/客客气气的/羞怯的/

3. 无自信:difficulttopronounce 聱 | diffidence 无自信 | diffidencepudencypudicityshyness 羞怯

4. 性格:星座:cancer(かに座) | 性格:diffidence | 职业:student(せいと)

  • 经典引文

  • I feel a certain diffidence about attempting to speak of the book at all.

    出自:W. C. Williams
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

Remember the dictum our professor taught us, 'diffidence leads to envy which gives rise to spite.(记住教授告诉我们的名言:缺乏自信会导致嫉妒,进而产生怨恨。)
The teachers also rated conduct problems - restlessness, daydreaming, disobedience, lying, etc. - and emotional problems - anxiety, fearfulness, diffidence, avoidance of attention, etc。(同时,教师们也就行为问题(多动、走神、叛逆、撒谎等)以及情绪问题(焦虑、恐惧、怯懦、无法集中精神等)打出了不同分数。)
Diffidence is one barrier to one's success.(自卑是成功的一大障碍。)
There's a great deal of modesty and diffidence in my world.(在我的世界里,有着许多谦逊和缺乏自信。)
There was an unceremonious directness, a searching, decided steadfastness in his gaze now, which told that intention, and not diffidence, had hitherto kept it averted from the stranger.(目光里有一种不拘礼节的直率,一种锐利、明确的坚定,说明他一直避开陌生人不是出于腼腆,而是故意的。)
He failed through diffidence.(他因缺乏自信而失败。)
He tapped on the door, opened it, and entered with a certain diffidence.(他敲了敲门,打开了门,带着一些羞怯走了进去。)
The boy was so diffidence and not good at talking that he did not know how to express his love to this girl.(小伙子性格内向,不善言辞,他不知道如何向女孩子表达他的爱慕之意。)
What women mistake as thoughtlessness is often just diffidence.(女性误以为是考虑不周的事情往往只是缺乏自信。)
He had never thought of his sweetheart as of so superior a being, and he was instantly taken with a feeling of diffidence.(他从来没有想到他的爱人会这样的华贵,竟使他的内心立刻产生了一种自惭形秽的感觉。)
diffidence是什么意思 diffidence在线翻译 diffidence什么意思 diffidence的意思 diffidence的翻译 diffidence的解释 diffidence的发音 diffidence的同义词