英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈdaɪəlekt]

美 [ˈdaɪəˌlɛkt]


形容词: dialectal 副词: dialectally

  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 方言,土语,地方话
  • 行话,专业用语
  • 个人用语特征,个人言语特点
  • 【语】语支
  • 谈吐
  • 语调
  • 同源语
  • 习语,惯用语,通用语
  • 方言的,用方言的
  • [C][U]方言,土语 a variety of a language, spoken in one part of a country


1. the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people

e.g. the immigrants spoke an odd dialect of English
he has a strong German accent
it has been said that a language is a dialect with an army and navy

Synonym: idiomaccent

1. 方言;地方话;土话
A dialect is a form of a language that is spoken in a particular area.


e.g. In the fifties, many Italians spoke only local dialect...
在 20 世纪 50 年代,许多意大利人只会说当地方言。
e.g. They began to speak rapidly in dialect.

1. 方言;非标准语言:扭矩扳手 dial torque wrench | 方言;非标准语言 dialect | 二烃基的 dialkyl

2. 方言, 语调,土语:way of life 生活方式 | dialect方言, 语调,土语 | accent重音,重音符号,口音;腔调

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • They were speaking in dialect.
  • He wrote a play in a local dialect.
用作名词 (n.)
  • The Lawyer's Dialect.

    出自:John Clarke
  • The theological dialect.

    出自:John Foster
  • The political dialects to be found in pamphlets, leading articles,..and the speeches of Under-Secretaries.

    出自:G. Orwell
  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

dialect, accent
  • 这两个词的意思其实并不相同, accent 是“乡音; 口音”,其标记体现在读音方面, dialect 是“方言”,其特点体现在不同的语法结构和词汇上。试比较下面两句:
  • He has a thick country accent.
  • 他的乡土口音很重。
  • Cockney is the colourful dialect spoken in the East End of London.
  • 伦敦土话是在伦敦东区流行的一种 非常生动的方言。
    • ☆ 1570年左右进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的dialectus,意为方言。
    An old dialect of German mixed with English is used in church and at home.(上教堂和在家时,他们使用一种混合德语和英语的古老方言。)
    Clojure is a Lisp dialect.(Clojure是一种Lisp方言。)
    It is impossible to say at what point along the continuum a dialect becomes a separate language.(要说出同一语言的方言差异到什么程度就成为一种别的语言是不可能的。)
    RSS is a dialect of XML.(RSS是一种XML方言。)
    But whatever the dialect, cooking is a language everyone understands.(且不论那一种“方言”,烹饪是一种人人皆懂的语言。)
    It was difficult to understand the local dialect.(这种方言很难懂。)
    I started reading the chapter, about how everyone speaks some dialect of a language.(我开始读这一章,内容是人们如何讲一种语言的方言。)
    The first day, the king dictated a letter to his secretary in dialect.(第一天,国王用方言向他的秘书口授一封信。)
    The Hebrew language itself is essentially Canaanite, a Canaanite dialect.(希伯来语本身就是迦南的,是迦南方言。)
    For any dialect to become national, it would take thousands of votes.(对任何一个成为国家标准的方言,都可能经过了上万次投票。)
    dialect是什么意思 dialect在线翻译 dialect什么意思 dialect的意思 dialect的翻译 dialect的解释 dialect的发音 dialect的同义词