英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 12:23:30



英 [dɪsˈɑ:m]

美 [dɪsˈɑ:rm]


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名词: disarmer 过去式: disarmed 过去分词: disarmed 现在分词: disarming 第三人称单数: disarms

  • 英英释义

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1. remove offensive capability from

Synonym: demilitarizedemilitarise

2. take away the weapons from
render harmless

Synonym: unarm

3. make less hostile
win over

e.g. Her charm disarmed the prosecution lawyer completely

1. 缴…的械;解除…的武装
To disarm a person or group means to take away all their weapons.

e.g. We will agree to disarming troops and leaving their weapons at military positions.

2. 裁军;解除武装;裁减军备(尤指核武器)
If a country or group disarms, it gives up the use of weapons, especially nuclear weapons.

e.g. There has also been a suggestion that the forces in Lebanon should disarm...
e.g. We're not ready to disarm ourselves in order to make it easier for them to kill us.

3. 消除(某人)的怒气(或不满、批评等)
If a person or their behaviour disarms you, they cause you to feel less angry, hostile, or critical towards them.

e.g. His unease disarmed her...
e.g. She did her best to disarm her critics.

1. disarm什么意思

1. 缴械:没有内置冷却, 但不会叠加, 所以和激烈狂怒一样, 随情况切换战术充分的发挥吧.专注思绪(Focused Mind)/等级20 等级2士气技能, 无距离 接下来10秒, 你将会移除及无视所有沉默, 缴械(Disarm), 定身(Root)及缓速效果,

2. 解除武装:镜像分身,单手大师,双手刀大师,神圣魔法毒物学(toxicology)躲藏(hide)潜行(sneak)背刺(backstab)致命一击(critical)偷窃(steal)暗杀(assassian)暗魔法,匕首大师,双手武器不死狂暴(revive)解除武装(disarm)铁甲化(iron_


3. 解除:继续前进,会有一群goblins(还有一只Mephit)挡路,门后就是 Great Wand Trap (x 560 y 1390桥上有陷阱,解除 (disarm)后通过,会遇到一名杀手被Duergar们围殴,玩家待久一点就会看到好笑的景象.

4. 放下武器:Operate = 运作 | Disarm = 放下武器 | Disable = 使失去能力、关摄像头

  • 经典引文

  • Unless you give me your revolver I shall call the crew to disarm you.

    出自:G. Greene
Iraq must disarm itself unconditionally and immediately, or be disarmed, warned George W. Bush.(乔治·w·布什警告说,伊拉克必须立即无条件地解除武装,否则就一定强行解除武装。)
It is difficult to persuade the Great Powers to disarm.(要说服列强裁军是很困难的。)
Another test showed that there was a way to disarm a bullying boss - by flattering them.(另一项试验显示,有一种办法能缓和欺辱下属老板的攻击性——奉承他们。)
There has also been a suggestion that the forces in Lebanon should disarm.(也曾有一项提议说在黎巴嫩的部队应解除武装。)
This does not stack with other Disarm duration reducing effects.(该效果不于其他减少缴械时间效果叠加。)
Thee three countries would be strongly armed, and must not assume any obligation to disarm.(三个国家都得拥有强大的武装,决不承担裁减军备的任何义务。㳖。)
Swordbreaking and Swordshattering add disarm duration reduction.(破剑和裂剑现在额外降低缴械持续时间。)
Barack Obama seems determined to disarm such critics.(奥巴马似乎决心平息这些评论。)
You can disarm the questioner by asking him or her to explain the question and share information.(你可以要求提问者把问题解释一下,分享问题的背景信息,这样可以有效的卸下这类问题的威力。)
The three countries would be strongly armed, and must not assume any obligation to disarm.(三个国家都得拥有强大的武装,决不承担裁减军备的任何义务。)
disarm是什么意思 disarm在线翻译 disarm什么意思 disarm的意思 disarm的翻译 disarm的解释 disarm的发音 disarm的同义词