英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈdɪmpl]

美 [ˈdɪmpəl]



形容词: dimply 过去式: dimpled 过去分词: dimpled 现在分词: dimpling 第三人称单数: dimples

  • 英英释义

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1. a small natural hollow in the cheek or chin

e.g. His dimple appeared whenever he smiled

2. any slight depression in a surface

e.g. there are approximately 336 dimples on a golf ball

3. a chad that has been punched or dimpled but all four corners are still attached

Synonym: dimpled chadpregnant chad


1. produce dimples while smiling

e.g. The child dimpled up to the adults

2. mark with, or as if with, dimples

e.g. drops dimpled the smooth stream

1. 酒窝;笑靥
A dimple is a small hollow in someone's cheek or chin, often one that you can see when they smile.


e.g. Bess spoke up, smiling so that her dimples showed.

1. 酒窝:浇口痕迹小,开模时浇口可自动拉断,有利于自动化操作,如(图七)所示.就薄壁塑件而言,浇口附近剪切速率(Shear Rate)过高,残 余应力高,容易开裂,可局部增加浇口处塑件壁厚,如上图所示,以圆弧 R 形 成酒窝(Dimple)状过渡,以行改善.

2. 凹(痕):在表面加上凹痕(Dimple)的球问世后,一夜之间击球距离增加15码而大受青睐. 目前则用Surlyn(杜邦公司发明的一种工程塑胶)合成材质为主,使球质更趋完美.

3. dimple

3. 凹陷:下游SMT对此等BGA或CSP之锡膏焊接已可顺利施工,只要不造成盲孔填平的中空虚洞(Voids),即使铜面些微凹陷(Dimple)对于要求较严封载用载板(Substrates)说来,也已无可厚非瑕不掩瑜.

  • 经典引文

  • The gentle waters gently part In dimples round the prow.

  • The modern golf ball has 360 dimples.

    出自:S. B. Flexner
You got a very cute dimple in your cheek.(你脸上有一个好可爱的酒窝。)
To further improve taste, check out its "belly button": At the blossom end, eggplants have either an oval or round dimple.(要进一步改善口感,看看它的“肚脐”:在有花的一端,茄子会有一个椭圆或圆形的小凹。)
The fracture of composites assumes toughness dimple.(复合材料的拉伸断口假设为韧窝混合断裂。)
The composite displays the fracture features of the dimple and intergranular fracture.(复合材料的断裂形貌为韧窝加沿晶断裂。)
The deep cleft. in his cheek he refused to call a dimple.(脸颊上露出他拒绝称作酒窝的深纹。)
Her dimple and her big curly hair look so pretty!(觉得她的酒窝和大卷发好漂亮啊!)
Thank God for giving me a precious son in1979,18 January. Plump and with a small dimple , he looks very cute.(感谢上帝在1979年1月18日给我一个宝贝儿子,胖嘟嘟笑起来带着小酒窝,可爱的模样真的很讨人喜欢。)
The fractures of the alloys change from dimple to cleavage fracture with river pattern.(合金的断口形貌由韧窝向河流花纹状的解理形貌转变。)
In the sunlight, a fresh breeze dimple the surface of Bay Roberts.(阳光下清新的微风吹得罗伯茨湾的海水泛起阵阵涟漪。)
She had a dimple which appeared when she smiled.(她一笑就现出酒窝。)
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