英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [dɪsˈɑ:məmənt]

美 [dɪsˈɑ:rməmənt]


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  • 裁军
  • 裁减军备
  • 缴械
  • 解除武装
  • 解除武器
  • 放下装器



1. act of reducing or depriving of arms

e.g. the disarmament of the aggressor nations must be complete

Synonym: disarming

1. 裁军;裁减军备(尤指核武器)
Disarmament is the act of reducing the number of weapons, especially nuclear weapons, that a country has.


e.g. ...the pace of nuclear disarmament.
e.g. ...unilateral disarmament.

1. disarmament的翻译

1. 解除武装:为了充分达对此一目的,必须解除敌人的武装,所以在理论上解除武装(disarmament)也就变成战争的直接目的. 它取最后目的的地位而代之,并且把后者摆在一边,好像那是我们在计算中可以消去的东西.

2. 裁军,解除武装:Margin of error:误差幅度 | Disarmament:裁军,解除武装 | Head for:动身,前往

3. 裁军arms race军备竞赛:107. cooperation between school and enterprises校企合作 | 109. disarmament裁军\arms race军备竞赛 | 110. the Economic Commission for Europe\European Economic Commission欧洲经济共同体\ European Union欧...

That will annoy the disarmament crowd.(这会恼火支持裁军的国家。)
Mr Rajoy may, however, need them to oversee a discreet disarmament process.(然而,拉霍伊需要这些人来监督谨慎的缴械行动。)
Total disarmament was stipulated in the peace treaty.(全部裁减军备条款是和平协议的必要条件。)
She fears an ongoing cycle of attacks unless disarmament takes place on both sides.(她担心接下来发生持续不断的攻击,除非双方开始解除武装。)
But not long afterwards, six-party aid for disarmament talks began.(但之后不久,“援助换裁军”的六方会谈正式开始。)
How many people here are in favour of unilateral disarmament?(这儿有多少人赞成单方面裁军?)
The disarmament conference will be reconvened next month.(裁军会议将于下月再次召开。)
IS NUCLEAR disarmament, however slowly, turning into something more than a slogan?(不管多么缓慢,核裁军进程是否在一句口号之外终于有了实质性内容?)
And in this new arms race, there is no road map for disarmament or deterrence.(在这场新型军备竞赛中,根本就没有裁军或者遏制力的路线图。)
Soon afterwards, Mr Obama also pledged to negotiate a new treaty on nuclear disarmament with Russia.(不久后,奥巴马先生信誓旦旦表示他将与俄罗斯进行协商,就核装备裁减达成协议。)
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