英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:07:13



英 [ˈdɪskɔ:s]

美 [ˈdɪskɔ:rs]




名词: discourser 过去式: discoursed 过去分词: discoursed 现在分词: discoursing 第三人称单数: discourses

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  • 论文
  • 交谈,谈话,会话
  • 演讲,演说
  • 论说
  • 【宗】讲道,说教
  • 讲稿
  • 【文】语段,语篇
  • 【语法】叙述法
  • 推理能力
  • 话语
  • 讲课
  • 谈,谈话,交谈,谈论,高谈阔论,讨论
  • 说,说出,讲,讲述,叙述
  • 论述,论说
  • 讲演,演说,演讲
  • 说教,讲道
  • 写论文,写讲稿
  • 著述
  • 交换意见
  • [C]论文;演说;讲道 lengthy and serious treatment of a subject in speech or writing
  • vi. 讲述,著述 talk,preach or lecture about sth



1. extended verbal expression in speech or writing

2. an extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic

e.g. the book contains an excellent discussion of modal logic
his treatment of the race question is badly biased

Synonym: discussiontreatment

3. an address of a religious nature (usually delivered during a church service)

Synonym: sermonpreaching


1. talk at length and formally about a topic

e.g. The speaker dissertated about the social politics in 18th century England

Synonym: hold forthdissertate

2. carry on a conversation

Synonym: converse

3. to consider or examine in speech or writing

e.g. The author talks about the different aspects of this question
The class discussed Dante's `Inferno'

Synonym: talk aboutdiscuss

The noun is pronounced /'dɪskɔːs/. The verb is pronounced /dɪs'kɔːs/. 名词读作/'dɪskɔːs/,动词读作/dɪs'kɔːs/。

1. (尤指对某严肃话题口头或书面的)演讲,论述,著述
Discourse is spoken or written communication between people, especially serious discussion of a particular subject.

e.g. ...a tradition of political discourse.

2. 话语;语篇
In linguistics, discourse is natural spoken or written language in context, especially when complete texts are being considered.

e.g. The Centre has a strong record of research in discourse analysis.
e.g. ...our work on discourse and the way people talk to each other.

3. 演讲;论述
A discourse is a serious talk or piece of writing which is intended to teach or explain something.

e.g. Gates responds with a lengthy discourse on deployment strategy.

4. 高谈阔论;论述
If someone discourses on something, they talk for a long time about it in a confident way.

e.g. He discoursed for several hours on French and English prose.

5. see also: direct discourse;indirect discourse

1. 话语:他在一个本来很单纯很学术的地理学问题上,也推广了他关于"话语"和"权力"的理论,于是在"领土"、"地平线"、"等高线"等等地理学术语中,他引入了他一贯关注的"权力"(power)和"话语"(discourse)的概念,并使它具有了政治、法律和文化的涵意

2. 谈话:体裁:这是一个叙述(Narrative),以谈话(discourse)方式来描述. 叙述者对地点和人物似乎刻意安排. 两个主要人物的身分也特别表明. 叙述者对谈话的内容似乎早已准备好. 连答案也刻意地如此表达. 约翰对神迹的看法也不完全与符类福音相同.

3. 会话:为了更好地理解古代哲学在什么意义上是一种生活方式,或许有必要求助于斯多葛哲学关于哲学会话(discourse)与哲学自身的区分. 14对于斯多葛哲学而言,哲学的组成部分--物理学、伦理学和逻辑--事实上并不是哲学自身的组成部分,

4. discourse在线翻译

4. 篇章:因此,一方面,教师在文章分析时要从篇章(discourse)的角度出发,围绕主旨把握好教学过程;另一方面,教师在设计阅读后活动(post-reading activities)时,可以融入一些考察学生篇章理解的活动内容,同时带动老师与学生、学生与学生、以及学生与材料之间的多重互动.

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • We listened to a discourse on the evils of drugs.
  • He discoursed on ancient Roman art.
  • The Dog..we see is plentifully furnished with inward discourse.

    出自:W. Raleigh
  • You needn't stop to discourse with sympathetic listeners.

    出自:L. M. Montgomery
Simply because of doubt about the generic integrity of various forms of discourse.(仅仅因为怀疑,不同形式话语的普遍的完整性。)
And we as women are worried about this double discourse.(我们作为妇女担心这种双重话语。)
Gordon Pask — Improved Understanding through discourse.(GordonPask——通过谈话提升理解。)
The universe of discourse consists of denumerably many individuals.(话语世界由许多个可数的个体组成。)
But to create reasonable discourse about these topics, you have to start somewhere.(但是要发表关于这些主题的论述,您必须从某个位置开始。)
The lofty discourse on "cyberspace" has long changed.(关于“网路空间”的崇高演讲已经历经改变。)
Yet a destructive passivity has overtaken our discourse.(然而,一种破坏性的被动占据了我们的话语。)
The hysteria of their discourse is but a symptom of the emptiness within.(她们演说的歇斯底里仅仅是内容空虚的标志。)
Break the tension with smiles and humor to reinforce the idea that this is friendly discourse and that all are working toward a common goal.(用微笑和幽默来打破紧张气氛,强调这是段友好的谈话,并且所有人都在朝着共同的目标努力。)
In that case, discourse is the sample plate of mindset.(假设如此,话语就是思维的样板。)
discourse是什么意思 discourse在线翻译 discourse什么意思 discourse的意思 discourse的翻译 discourse的解释 discourse的发音 discourse的同义词