英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:19:12



英 [ˌdaʊnˈhɪl]

美 [ˈdaʊnˈhɪl]




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1. a ski race down a trail

2. the downward slope of a hill


1. sloping down rather steeply

Synonym: declivitousdownward-sloping


1. toward the bottom of a hill

e.g. running downhill, he gained a lot of speed

2. toward a lower or inferior state

e.g. your performance has been going downhill for a long time now

1. 向山下;在山下
If something or someone is moving downhill or is downhill, they are moving down a slope or are located towards the bottom of a hill.


e.g. He headed downhill towards the river...
e.g. The lake itself lies only a few hundred yards off to your right and slightly downhill...

2. 走下坡路地;恶化地;每况愈下
If you say that something is going downhill, you mean that it is becoming worse or less successful.


e.g. Since I started to work longer hours things have gone steadily downhill...
e.g. For the movie business, it was all downhill from there...

3. (与前段时间相比)容易的
If you say that a task or situation is downhill after a particular stage or time, you mean that it is easy to deal with after that stage or time.

e.g. Well, I guess it's all downhill from here.

1. 下坡:上坡(Uphill)击球与下坡(Downhill)击球首先,在上坡(Uphill)击球方面,这种球因为是倾斜的关系,会使得杆面角度更为垂直,所以比较容易高飞,但也比较容易击短,因此要打得稍微重一些,才会是您所想要的距离.

2. downhill

2. 高山速降:在19世纪中期,一些矿工发明了世界上最早的高山速降(downhill)比赛. 他们为了金子和荣誉而比赛,在一派叫嚷,狂饮和赌博的气氛里,一个营地和另一个营地进行比赛. 长板滑雪比赛者使用的是12英尺长的滑雪板,

3. 下山:滑雪可分为下山(Downhill)和越野(Cross-country)两种. Downhill就是一般人印象中的从山坡上往下滑,追求那种高速穿梭的心跳和刺激;Cross-country则是踏上滑雪板在山地、林间行走,体会亲近自然和享受孤寂的境界. Downhill一般都在固定的滑雪场进行,


4. 速降:骑行风格:速降(Downhill) 自由骑行(Freeride)DHX Air 5.0 回弹调整 (Rebound)ProPedal是Fox的专用词语,用以形容后避震器透过滤掉低速压力(一般从骑乘踏板时产生)而得到的踩踏效率.

  • 经典引文

  • The road coming downhill from the north-west turned south.

    出自:E. Bowen
  • A stone rolled downhill.

    出自:R. Adams
  • From this point it is downhill all the way: a host of deprivations and disasters.

    出自:Gay News
  • It was downhill from then on, though it actually took a year to secure the country completely.

Since I started to work longer hours things have gone steadily downhill.(自从我延长了工作时间以后,情况不断恶化。)
Now this object wants to slide downhill.(现在物体要下滑。)
But then these efforts began to go downhill.(之后,这些努力就开始走下坡路。)
He butted up against trees, but at least it was downhill.(他撞到了树丛,但至少已经到了山下。)
At that time our relations were going upwards, but since then they have been going downwards [downhill].(那时我们的关系是走上坡路,此后就开始走下坡路了。)
On the descents, cyclists spin past cars, freewheeling downhill at tremendous speed.(在下坡道上,自行车手们飞快地掠过汽车,靠惯性极速冲下山去。)
I feel our relationship is going downhill.(我感觉我们的感情在变坏。)
Prof. MANHEIN: After about 18 or so, it's downhill all the way.(曼海因教授:从18岁左右以后,我们的身体就开始走下坡路了。)
His health was getting steadily worse.; His health went steadily downhill.(他的健康每况愈下。)
The production in some areas went steadily downhill.(某些地区的生产在滑坡。)
downhill是什么意思 downhill在线翻译 downhill什么意思 downhill的意思 downhill的翻译 downhill的解释 downhill的发音 downhill的同义词