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更新时间:2025-03-10 13:25:45



英 [dju:ˈplɪsəti]

美 [du:ˈplɪsəti]


名词复数: duplicities

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1. acting in bad faith
deception by pretending to entertain one set of intentions while acting under the influence of another

Synonym: double-dealing

2. a fraudulent or duplicitous representation

Synonym: fraudulence

1. 奸诈;欺骗;口是心非;两面派
If you accuse someone of duplicity, you mean that they are deceitful.

e.g. Malcolm believed he was guilty of duplicity in his private dealings.

1. 口是心非:<>(Duplicity)是一部拍得有点奇怪的片子. 导演托尼.吉尔罗伊(Tony Gilroy)是<>系列三部电影的编剧,他拍的<>(M ichaelClayton)曾获得奥斯卡奖多项提名. 在这部题材轻松的电影里,

2. 表里不一:这两个城市是说真实话(veracity)和表里不一(duplicity). 你以为它们真的是包含真理和谎言这两个词语的城市吗?正如德.波诺指出的那样,在我们的思维当中多数具有对抗性质. 你提出一个观点,我对它进行批评,以此来测验这个观点的抵抗力.

3. [最佳情敌]:新片方面,凑巧最近在飞机上看过部分作品,汤泰华的<>(The International)是意外惊喜,本来对奇里夫奥云(Clive Owen)不抱太大好感,尤其是<>(Duplicity)中与茱莉亚萝拔丝的演出,坦白而言造作堆砌得颇难入目(当然,

4. 重复,双重性:duplicate 复制,复制品,副本,相同的 | duplicity 重复,双重性 | employ 使用,雇用

  • 经典引文

  • Now he lay there stroking her hair and thinking of his wife, hating his duplicity.

    出自:S. Kauffmann
I most despise the poor students who duplicity... thick-skinned sharp-tongued children.(我最看不起那些口是心非的穷大学生…皮厚嘴尖的孩子。)
They noted the lack of outcry when a columnist declared that, for Catholics, "doublespeak and duplicity are second nature".(他们还注意到当一个专栏作者宣称天主教徒的“第二天性是故弄玄虚和表里不一”时,竟然没有人出来反对。)
It can be said that Su Tong's novels of "women's lives" have the duplicity characteristic of vanguard and neo-realism.(可以说,苏童的“妇女生活”小说具有先锋性与新写实性相交融的双重性特征。)
The most touching is that he knows all your duplicity.(最令人感动的是,他懂得你所有的口是心非。)
To a great extent, this context decides that many western commercial advertisements are kinds of emotional duplicity.(这一文化语境在很大程度上决定了许多西方商业广告是一种情感欺骗。)
There is always one day, I am accustomed to your hip, you also penetrated my duplicity.(总有那么一天,我习惯了你的直来直去,你也猜透了我的口是心非。)
However I thought you were duplicity.(但我当时怀疑你口是心非。)
We are very good at duplicity and hope each other can be perceived.(我们都很擅长口是心非,又都很希望对方能有所察觉。)
If the parents duplicity, words and deeds, the child will imitate their behavior, their teachings are ignored.(如果父母口是心非,言行不一,孩子就会模仿他们的行为,对他们的教导也置之不理。)
We had to rely on truth drugs, long interrogations, and training drills designed to show any duplicity.(我们不得不依靠坦白剂,冗长的提问,设计好的训练性练习,以显现你的任何可疑之处。)
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