英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 13:29:14



英 [ɪnˈtʃɑ:nt]

美 [ɪnˈtʃænt]


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过去式: enchanted 过去分词: enchanted 现在分词: enchanting 第三人称单数: enchants

  • 详情解释

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  • 英英释义

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  • 对...施行魔法,用妖术迷惑,施魔法于,用魔法迷惑,施展魔力,蛊惑
  • 使心醉,使销魂,使入迷,使迷住,使着迷,使陶醉,使着魔,(使)迷惑
  • 使...心旷神怡,使...喜悦,使欣喜,魅悦
  • vt. 使欣喜;使心醉 fill (sb) with delight
  • vt. 用魔法迷惑 use magic on



1. cast a spell over someone or something
put a hex on someone or something

Synonym: hexbewitchglamourwitchjinx

2. attract
cause to be enamored

e.g. She captured all the men's hearts

Synonym: captureenamourtrancecatchbecharmenamorcaptivatebeguilecharmfascinatebewitchentrance

3. hold spellbound

Synonym: enrapturetransportenthrallravishenthraldelight

1. 使狂喜;使陶醉;使入迷
If you are enchanted by someone or something, they cause you to have feelings of great delight or pleasure.

e.g. Dena was enchanted by the house...
e.g. She enchanted you as she has so many others.

Don't expect young children to be as enchanted with the scenery as you are.

2. 对…施魔法;使着魔
In fairy stories and legends, to enchant someone or something means to put a magic spell on them.

e.g. King Arthur hid his treasures here and Merlin enchanted the cave so that nobody should ever find them.
e.g. ...Celtic stories of cauldrons and enchanted vessels.

1. enchant的近义词

1. 火焰强化:建议拍卖 (few sell)标准是偷取生命(LEECH)和物免(DR)X/8/20 24#起(具体价格要看魔免(MDR)的高低)8/8/20/* 的建议拍卖(具体价格要看魔免(MDR)的高低)一般称寿衣,只有加火焰强化(enchant)或者暴风雪(blizzard)才有交易价值,

2. 附魔:考虑到无修改,武器原有属性加上附魔(Enchant)属性不可能样样都好,但有时会有一些超好属性(原始 附魔),

3. 使迷住,迷惑:encase 纳入套内,纳入箱内 | enchant 使迷住,迷惑 | enclave 被包领土

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • The happy family scene had enchanted him.
  • 1
  • He was enchanted with music.
  • And now about the cauldron sing,..Enchanting all that you put in.

  • 词义讲解

enchant, allure, attract, captivate, charm, fascinate
  • 这组词的共同意思是“吸引”。它们之间的区别是:
  • 1.从词义上说:attract和captivate是“吸引”; allure是“引诱”; charm、enchant和fascinate是“迷惑,使着魔”。
  • 2.从“吸引源”上说:attract和captivate用的是吸引者所具有的性质或特性; allure用的是美丽的、有魅力的东西或有效的手段、美好的前途等; charm、enchant和fascinate用的是符咒或魔法,更多的是用魔法般的事物。例如:
  • Her beauty captivated many.她的美貌吸引了许多人。
  • The swindler allured her by hopes.这骗子用希望引诱她。
  • This is a very charming village.这是一座非常迷人的村庄。
  • The witch enchanted the princess.女巫迷惑了公主。
  • The boy was fascinated by all the toys in the big department store.这孩子为大百货店里所有的玩具所迷惑。
  • 3.从结果上说:attract指被吸引者有感应; captivate指控制住兴趣或感情; allure指被引诱而堕落或克服某人的抵触情绪或冷漠态度; charm指迷住其感官或心灵; enchant指激起羡慕或使其销魂; fascinate则指无法抵抗或不能逃脱。例如:
  • He was captivated by Mary.他被玛丽所迷。
  • Don't be allured into bars by the pretty waitresses.不要被美丽的女招待引诱至酒吧间。
  • Young children should rather be allured to learning by gentleness and love, than compelled to learning by beating and fear.对小孩子应该通过温柔和爱来诱导他们学习,而不能用打和恐吓强迫他们学习。
  • I was charmed with her fine singing.她那优美的演唱使我陶醉。
  • She was enchanted by the flowers you sent her.你送给她的花,她很喜欢。
  • Snakes are said to fascinate small animals and birds.据说蛇能蛊惑小动物和小鸟。
  • 4.从程度上说:captivate意义最弱,只是暂时地吸引而不是长期地控制; enchant意义最强,已近乎疯狂。
    • 近义词

    • 反义词

    • 临近词

    Use: Teaches you how to permanently enchant a cloak to increase frost resistance by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item.(教你学会如何永久地为一件披风附魔,使其提高20点冰霜抗性。需要等级60或以上的物品。)
    Enchant cloak - Major armor: Permanently a cloak toa 120 additional armor.(使一件披风永久的获得+120护甲值的效果。)
    Made me laugh, and in the evening, you'd enchant me with your stories.(总能让我开怀大笑,晚上,你又用你的故事让我那么着迷。)
    Enchant is capable of managing multiple different base spelling lists.(Enchant能够管理多个不同的基础拼写列表。)
    Enchant bracer - Brawn: Permanently enchants bracers to increase Strength by 12.(使一副护腕永久的获得+12力量的效果。)
    Fine cashmere fashions are of superB quality and enchant everyone.(高级羊绒时装,超高品质,令人神往。)
    If we could enchant man's heart and at the same time sing in his mind, then in truth we would live in the shadow of God.(如果我们能陶醉一个人的心灵,同时在他的心中歌唱,那他就确实活在神的荫翳之下了。)
    If a woman wants to enchant a man, she is wise to play his pupil. Men fall for this.(若是一个女人意欲取悦一个男人,她最好跟他谈点儿年少梦想什么的,男人通常都吃这一套。)
    Enchant bracer - Spellpower: Permanently enchants bracers to increase damage done by spells by up to 15.(使一副护腕永久的获得法术伤害最多提高15点的效果。)
    She needs the tickle of cashmere to enchant for the ages.(她需要开士米羊毛的标签来增加年龄的魅力。)
    enchant是什么意思 enchant在线翻译 enchant什么意思 enchant的意思 enchant的翻译 enchant的解释 enchant的发音 enchant的同义词