英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ɪnˈræptʃə(r)]

美 [ɛnˈræptʃɚ]


名词: enrapturement 过去式: enraptured 过去分词: enraptured 现在分词: enrapturing 第三人称单数: enraptures

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1. hold spellbound

Synonym: enchanttransportenthrallravishenthraldelight

1. 使着迷;使陶醉
If something or someone enraptures you, you think they are wonderful or fascinating.

e.g. The place at once enraptured me...
e.g. The 20,000-strong audience listened, enraptured.


1. 使狂喜:enrage 激怒,使暴怒 | enrapture 使狂喜 | enrich 使丰富,充实,装饰

2. enrapture的翻译

2. 使狂喜;使出神:enrage#激怒 | enrapture#使狂喜;使出神 | entail#惹起;使负担

3. 使狂喜,使高兴:enormous 巨大的,庞大的 | enrapture 使狂喜,使高兴 | ensconce 安置,安坐

4. 使欣喜:transport 欣喜若狂 | enrapture 使欣喜 | admonishment 劝告 训诫

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

There are all kinds of varieties of flower vases, wall paintings, statues, ferns, etc., and its exquisite workmanship and unique style has won friends at home and abroad enrapture click one's tongue.(品种有各式花瓶、壁画、佛像、笔筒等,其精致的做工和独特的风格赢得了国内外友人的啧啧称叹。)
Send your holy angels to fan the flames of this love, that it may enrapture my heart and make my consecration fruitful.(请在我内增添圣爱的火焰,并请派遣妳神圣的天使来煽起这爱火,好让我的心灵雀跃欢腾,并使我的奉献结出丰盛的果实。)
If it is me that captures the wide-open West, it'll enrapture me.(如果是我夺取了完全开放的西部,我就会高兴得眉飞色舞。)
Yearning for a long enrapture you yesterday and the longing for a beautiful future.(思念是对你昨日悠长的沉缅和对未来美好的向往。)
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