英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-04-30 19:08:04



英 [ˈrævɪʃ]

美 [ˈrævɪʃ]

v.强奸;使 ... 狂喜;抢夺

名词: ravisher 过去式: ravished 过去分词: ravished 现在分词: ravishing 第三人称单数: ravishes

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1. hold spellbound

Synonym: enchantenrapturetransportenthrallenthraldelight

2. force (someone) to have sex against their will

e.g. The woman was raped on her way home at night

Synonym: rapeviolateassaultdishonordishonouroutrage

1. 强奸;强暴
If a woman is ravished by a man, she is raped by him.


e.g. She'll never know how close she came to being dragged off and ravished.

1. ravish什么意思

1. 强夺:ravioli 馄饨 | ravish 强夺 | ravishing 引人入胜的

2. 狂喜:raveno 沟壑 ravine | ravi 狂喜 ravish | raydi 骑 ride

3. ravish的翻译

3. 使出神:ravioliwonton 馄饨 | ravish 使出神 | ravish 从人间夺走

4. 迷住,强夺:relinquish 放弃,废除 | ravish 迷住,强夺 | peevish 坏脾气的,易怒的

  • 经典引文

  • A..thick mist ravished her from our eyes.

    出自:Henry Fielding
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Or to ravish me, and I'm sure.(或是为了迷惑我,我敢肯定。)
All we have left is paroxysm, and when it subsides, there will be just one wisp of smoke. Our inner fire will ravish all.(我们所剩下的只有身体震颤,当它平息的时候,只有一缕轻烟。我们内心的火焰会吞噬一切。)
Time can ravish us, time can change us. But the beauty we see in our former partners-that essence; that light-never fades.(时间可以迷惑我们,时间可以改变我们。但我们在我们前伴侣身上看到的美好——那种本质;那种光明——永不褪色。)
I know groups of trees that ravish the eye with their perfect, picture like effects.(我知道有许多树,由于外表完全象是一幅幅的画儿,叫人看得眼花缭乱。)
Following a perfume trail to its source, male wasps in Australia ravish a king spider orchid.(在澳大利亚,有一群雄蜂随香寻源,强占了一株王蜘蛛兰。)
ravish是什么意思 ravish在线翻译 ravish什么意思 ravish的意思 ravish的翻译 ravish的解释 ravish的发音 ravish的同义词