英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ɪ'kwɪvələns]

美 [ɪˈkwɪvələns]


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  • 英英释义

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  • 网络解释

  • 等值
  • 相等
  • 等效
  • 等义
  • 相当
  • 均等
  • 等量
  • 同义
  • 【化】等价
  • 化合价相当
  • 当量
  • 同类
  • 【数】等势
  • 等价
  • 同等


1. qualities that are comparable

e.g. no comparison between the two books
beyond compare

Synonym: comparisoncomparecomparability

2. essential equality and interchangeability

3. a state of being essentially equal or equivalent
equally balanced

e.g. on a par with the best

Synonym: equalityequationpar

1. (用途、功能、尺寸、价值等)相等,对等,相同
If there is equivalence between two things, they have the same use, function, size, or value.


e.g. ...the equivalence of science and rationality.

1. 等价:集合论中有一些最基本的概念:集合(set),关系(relation),函数(function),等价 (equivalence),是在其它数学分支的语言中几乎必然存在的. 对于这些简单概念的理解,是进一步学些别的数学的基础. 我相信,理工科大学生对于 这些都不会陌生.

2. 等效性:此外,他证明,此算式在离散与连续的时空呈现方式(representation)间建立起一种等效性(equivalence). 就其本身而论,这种取样与重构时空的新框架,藉由赋予离散结构一种连续的呈现方式,而以各种方式逼近量子重力. 毫无疑问,

Another characteristic of a good distance learning program is the equivalence of the distance learning course with the same subject materials as those students taking the course on the home campus.(一个好的远程教育课程的另一个特点是,远程教育课程与那些在主校学习课程的学生的学科教材是等同的。)
The equivalence of the two statements can be proven through the use of successive polynomial division.(两个表述的等效性可以通过使用连续多项式除法来证明。)
This brings me to a new term: semantic equivalence.(这就引入了另一个术语:语义等价。)
Other problems included dichotomization of the gold standard scale and inappropriate analysis of the equivalence of two diagnostic tests.(其它问题包括金标准的划分和对两个诊断试验等价的不适当的分析。)
I am not quite saying Darwinism gave rise to creationism, though the "isms" imply equivalence.(我不是很想说达尔文主义引出了创造说,虽然“主义”一词意思也差不多。)
In testing, a common approach is to divide the input and output domains into equivalence classes.(在测试中,通常的做法是将输入和输出分为两个等价类。)
Access to the list of XML namespaces in scope for the expression, needed when testing the equivalence of names.(访问表达式作用域中xml名称空间列表,在测试名称的等价性时需要。)
JAXB also handles CDATA sections a little differently than you might expect, but it does preserve semantic equivalence.(JAXB还以和预期稍有不同的方式处理cdata节,但确实保持了语义等价。)
Because of such physical differences, equivalence testing cannot be done at byte level for arbitrary XML documents.(因为存在这种物理差异,任何XML文档都不能进行字节级的等价测试。)
The equivalence relation defined by the (transitive closure of the) set of imposed constraints implies N L = N L(实施的约束集合(的传递封包)所定义的等价关系表明:NL=NL)
equivalence是什么意思 equivalence在线翻译 equivalence什么意思 equivalence的意思 equivalence的翻译 equivalence的解释 equivalence的发音 equivalence的同义词