英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:46:35



英 [ɪˈkwɪvəkl]

美 [ɪˈkwɪvəkəl]


副词: equivocally 名词: equivocality

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  • 模棱两可的
  • 暧昧的
  • 有歧义的
  • 有疑问的
  • 不确定的
  • 含糊的
  • 可疑的
  • 不可靠的
  • 语义双关的
  • 多义的
  • 不肯定的
  • 猜不透意思的
  • 意义不明的
  • 模糊的

1. 模棱两可的;含糊其词的
If you are equivocal, you are deliberately vague in what you say, because you want to avoid speaking the truth or making a decision.


e.g. Many were equivocal about the idea...
e.g. His equivocal response has done nothing to dampen the speculation.

2. (常因自相矛盾而)难以理解的,难以解释的
If something is equivocal, it is difficult to understand, interpret, or explain, often because it has aspects that seem to contradict each other.


e.g. Research in this area is somewhat equivocal...
e.g. He was tortured by an awareness of the equivocal nature of his position.

1. 不明确的:它关联于是或否,而不关联于不明确的(equivocal)的意义的多元性. 我们这里所谈论的是一种逻辑行为,或者回应韩波,一种逻辑的反叛. 事件决定,为了真理,或为了显赫的(eminent)化合价,以前的逻辑将其限定在不确定的或非-化合价的领域中.

2. 意义不明确的, 模棱两可的, 可疑的:field interpolator 场内插器 | equivocal 意义不明确的, 模棱两可的, 可疑的 | quart 夸脱(容量单位)

3. equivocal的意思

3. 模棱两可,可疑的:equivalent 相等,等量的 | equivocal 模棱两可,可疑的 | inadequate 不充分的


4. 模棱两可的:noncommittal未确定的 | equivocal模稜两可的 | prodigal profuse大量的

  • 经典引文

  • Messages disguised in equivocal phrases.

    出自:K. A. Porter
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

Many were equivocal about the idea.(很多人对此观点都含糊其辞。)
The court took the view that the defendant's plea was equivocal.(法院认为被告的答辩是模棱两可的。)
He was tortured by an awareness of the equivocal nature of his position.(他意识到很难解释自己的立场,因此备受折磨。)
The experiments produced equivocal results.(这些实验产生的结果难以理解。)
The archaeological evidence for ancient cookery is equivocal.(来自考古学的证据却显得模棱两可。)
The polling had a complex and equivocal message for potential female candidates at all levels David S. Broder.(民意测验对各阶层潜在的女性候选人的态度复杂而又模糊(大卫·s。布罗德)。收藏。)
I knew that missing home is inevitable, my love to mom is not equivocal.(我知道想家是不可避免的,我知道我对妈妈的爱是不含糊的。)
Results in the past have been equivocal, and replication of the experiment is needed.(过去的研究没有得出清楚地结论,有必要复制实验。)
Here, the data are equivocal.(关于后者的数据则显得有些模棱两可。)
His equivocal response has done nothing to dampen the speculation.(他模棱两可的回应丝毫没有减弱人们的猜测。)
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