英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ɪnˈteɪl]

美 [ɛnˈtel, ɪn-]



名词: entailment 过去式: entailed 过去分词: entailed 现在分词: entailing 第三人称单数: entails

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  • 限定继承,限定继承权,继承权的限定
  • 限定继承的财产
  • 限定继承人的必要顺序,预定继承人的顺序
  • 遗产
  • 继承
  • 带来,引起
  • 使…必需,使…成为必要
  • 使承担,使负担,使蒙受
  • 【律】限定(继承人)
  • 遗留给,遗传给
  • 转给
  • 使产生
  • 必须
  • 导致,造成,使得
  • 导出
  • 牵涉
  • 须要
  • 需要
  • 限定(不动产)的继承人
  • 必须包括
  • vt. 使…成为必要,需要 make sth necessary
  • vt. 限定继承 leave sth to a line of heirs in such a way that none of them can give it away or sell it


1. the act of entailing property
the creation of a fee tail from a fee simple

2. land received by fee tail


1. limit the inheritance of property to a specific class of heirs

Synonym: fee-tail

2. impose, involve, or imply as a necessary accompaniment or result

e.g. What does this move entail?

Synonym: implicate

3. have as a logical consequence

e.g. The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers

Synonym: implymean

1. 使…必然发生;势必造成;使…成为必需
If one thing entails another, it involves it or causes it.


e.g. Such a decision would entail a huge political risk...
e.g. The changed outlook entails higher economic growth than was previously assumed...

1. 引起:阐释学的视角主义所忽视的东西是,每一普遍的单一性乃是作为由一种事件的决定所引起(entail)的推论/结果(consequences)网络来出场的. 普遍的东西总是采取επ的形式,在这里ε是事件的陈述,而π是一个结果,或者一种逼真性/忠贞. 不用说,

2. 推导:enquire enquire(程序名) | entail 推导 | entities 实体

3. 需要:entablature 柱上楣构 | entail 需要 | entangled chain 缠结链

4. entail的反义词

4. 使必需:entad 向内 | entail 使必需 | entailment 继承人之限制

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    限定…继承succeed limitedly (one's property) such as the property may not be sold to anyone else
    entail sth on sb

    The castle and the land are entailed on the eldest son.


  • This job entails a lot of time.
  • These plans entail great expense.
用作动词 (v.)
  • The natural entail of disease and character.

    出自:J. Martineau
  • Poets oppressed by the modern entail of the poet as self.

    出自:J. Bayley
  • The house and park..were entailed on a distant cousin.

    出自:M. R. Mitford
Awareness does not only entail informing people of the problem, but also presenting them with solutions.(普及卫生意识不仅包括让人民知道问题,而且要提出解决方案。)
The drawback of markets is that they often entail haggling and disagreement.(瑞典皇家科学院解释道:“市场的缺点是,它们往往需要讨价还价并存在分歧。”)
But these estimates entail some generous assumptions.(而这些估计引发了一些更为大胆的设想。)
Guarantees are popular because they entail no immediate cost.(担保之所以受到如此偏爱,是因为它并不产生即刻的花费。)
It will entail driving a long distance every day.(这意味着每天都要长途开车。)
Self-awareness, even in its earliest stages, might entail an awareness of others, the ability to see their perspective, to look at the world from another's point of view.(自我意识,即使在它的最初阶段,也可能需要他人意识,即从他人的角度看世界的能力。)
First, you need to come to an understanding with the client about what rescuing will entail.(首先,你需要了解客户的需求,明白哪些修改是必须的。)
But that does at least entail some risk.(但那至少包含风险。)
They all entail hidden risk.(他们全部都隐藏着巨大的风险。)
Relativism does not entail that we should tolerate murderous tyranny.(相对主义不是在暗示人们应当容忍谋杀暴行。)
entail是什么意思 entail在线翻译 entail什么意思 entail的意思 entail的翻译 entail的解释 entail的发音 entail的同义词