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更新时间:2025-03-10 13:47:59



英 [ˈespiənɑ:ʒ]

美 [ˈɛspiəˌnɑʒ, -nɪdʒ]


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  • [U]谍报活动;间谍行为 the action of spying ; work of finding out secrets, especially the political secrets of a country


1. the systematic use of spies to get military or political secrets

1. 间谍行为;谍报活动
Espionage is the activity of finding out the political, military, or industrial secrets of your enemies or rivals by using spies.


e.g. The authorities have arrested several people suspected of espionage.
e.g. ...industrial espionage.

1. 间谍 间谍活动:ICJ International Court of Justice 国际法院 | Espionage 间谍 间谍活动 | Lifer 职业军人

2. 刺探行为:escort tour 陪同游览服务 | espionage 刺探行为 | established company 知名公司

3. 间谍活动:escort forces 护卫部队 | espionage 间谍活动 | establishment 机构;人员装备编制表

  • 常用例句

  • They were convicted of espionage.
It was a crime of espionage and carried the death penalty.(那是间谍罪,处了死刑。)
Generally speaking, that is out of the scope of most individuals, and it's probably not corporate espionage.(一般说来,这种攻击超出了大多数个人的能力,而且可能并不是企业的刺探行为。)
An espionage network with far-reaching tentacles.(触角伸得很远的谍报网络。)
TAO is responsible for the development and deployment of software that is used to infiltrate foreign target computer networks in order to achieve espionage targets.(TAO负责开发并部署软件,用来渗透外国目标的计算机网络,从而实现间谍目标。)
A lawyer for one of the three executives sacked by Renault in an alleged case of industrial espionage said his client would challenge his dismissal through a tribunal.(遭雷诺(Renault)解雇的三名高管之一的律师宣称对于工业间谍案,他的客户将诉诸法律手段。)
Renault's competitor PSA Peugeot Citroen is "extremely vigilant" about the risks of industrial espionage.(雷诺的竞争对手标志雪铁龙“极其警惕”工业间谍的风险。)
The episode could reasonably serve as a unique epic of royal espionage!(这一幕历史可以说是王室谍报活动中最精彩的篇章。)
Those caught using such cell phones illegally were reportedly arrested and required to pay a fine or face charges of espionage, or harsher punishments.(据报道那些被逮到非法使用手机的人将会被逮捕并被要求支付一笔罚金或者面临间谍罪的指控,甚至是更加严酷的惩罚。)
Critics worry the changes are an unnecessary invasion of privacy and would only make citizens and businesses more vulnerable to identity theft and espionage.(批评家担心这将会触犯普通民众的个人隐私,将会引发更多的公民和商业秘密的泄露。)
Blogging, Others are finding increasingly more interesting ways to spend their leisure time.Blogging, espionage and pot-bellied pig collecting to name but a few.(而其他一些人正在找寻更加有趣的方式度过他们的闲暇时间,博客,刺探活动以及收集大肚猪等等,不一而足。)
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