英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:52:04



英 [ɪgˈzæsəbeɪt]

美 [ɪgˈzæsərbeɪt]

vt.加重(使 ... 恶化;激怒)

名词: exacerbation 过去式: exacerbated 过去分词: exacerbated 现在分词: exacerbating 第三人称单数: exacerbates

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  • (使)恶化,(使)加重,使更重
  • 使发怒,使烦恼,使恼怒,激怒,触惹
  • 加深
  • (使)加剧,增剧
  • 加重威胁


1. make worse

e.g. This drug aggravates the pain

Synonym: worsenaggravateexasperate

2. exasperate or irritate

Synonym: exasperateaggravate

1. 使恶化;使加剧
If something exacerbates a problem or bad situation, it makes it worse.


e.g. Mr Powell-Taylor says that depopulation exacerbates the problem...
e.g. Longstanding poverty has been exacerbated by racial divisions.

...the exacerbation of global problems.

1. 恶化:全帝国范围内产生的蒙古文化传统的变化无可避免的恶化(exacerbate)损害了其自然历史演变进程. 由于在不同区域信仰不同的外国宗教,蒙古人的凝聚力(cohesiveness)被肢解融化了. 蒙古人可以通过有组织的谋划、灵活的军事战法和绝妙的坚盔利甲的有效结合来征服广袤的欧亚大陆,


2. 加剧:在黑格尔的普遍性-特殊性二元对立关系中,越是强调非西方文化的特殊性,就越是加强了西方文化的普遍性,以特殊性反抗普遍性只能使问题加剧(exacerbate).

3. 使加剧,激怒:evolve 引出,发展 | exacerbate 使加剧,激怒 | exact 需要,坚持要求; 精确的

4. 使恶化:生殖道尖锐湿疣 genital warts | 使恶化 exacerbate | 失控 get out of hand

  • 经典引文

  • The unfamiliar climate..may have further exacerbated her nervous condition.

    出自:J. Berger
  • Such a step would merely exacerbate an already touchy situation.

    出自:J. Masters
  • Trollope had been exacerbated by the noise of an itinerant German band.

    出自:J. P. Hennessy
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Analysts said the BRIC proposals were premature and could exacerbate the global crisis.(分析家认为,金砖四国的提议尚不成熟,可能会使全球危机恶化。)
The bigger risk is that growing state interference in the economy will exacerbate them.(一个更大的危险是,国家加大干涉经济的力度将使这个问题恶化。)
But we exacerbate the problem when we dress sloppily or are not well-groomed.(不过当我们穿着随意,邋遢的时候,我们把这个问题加重了。)
Climate change may well exacerbate these problems.(气候变化问题可能也会加剧这些问题的严重性。)
Moreover, putting young people in prison can exacerbate the problems—a system of mentors and helpers could be provided for those who unthinkingly break the law.(此外,把年轻人关进监狱可能使问题更加严重——那些不假思索的违法者可能得到一个导师和帮手系统。)
The swine flu will exacerbate economic damage already inflicted by the global recession.(猪流感的出现,将会使本已经由于经济危机而伤痕累累的经济状况雪上加霜。)
Three-strikes laws exacerbate the problem.(而“三振出局法”更使问题恶化。)
China's older air-traffic-control systems exacerbate the delays.(中国陈旧的空中交通控制系统更是雪上加霜。)
However, it can exacerbate depression symptoms, and can also cause liver damage.(但是,它会加剧抑郁症状,引起肝损伤。)
Staring at the problem won't help you. In fact, it may very well exacerbate the situation.(老盯住问题帮不了你,实际上,这还有可能令问题恶化。)
exacerbate是什么意思 exacerbate在线翻译 exacerbate什么意思 exacerbate的意思 exacerbate的翻译 exacerbate的解释 exacerbate的发音 exacerbate的同义词