英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:54:12


英 [ˌeksˈkɔ:rieɪt]

美 [ɪkˈskɔriˌet, -ˈskor-]


名词: excoriation 过去式: excoriated 过去分词: excoriated 现在分词: excoriating 第三人称单数: excoriates

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1. express strong disapproval of

e.g. We condemn the racism in South Africa
These ideas were reprobated

Synonym: condemnreprobatedecryobjurgate

2. tear or wear off the skin or make sore by abrading

e.g. This leash chafes the dog's neck

Synonym: chafe

1. 批判;痛斥;严厉指责
To excoriate a person or organization means to criticize them severely, usually in public.

e.g. He proceeded to excoriate me in front of the nurses.

1. 批判:parsimonious 吝啬的 | excoriate 批判 | excrete 排出

2. 严厉批评:Evince 表明 表示 | Excoriate 严厉批评 | Exculpate 开脱,申明无罪

3. excoriate

3. 撕去皮, 严厉批评:manifest 表明,显示,显现 | excoriate 撕去皮, 严厉批评 | flay 剥皮,诈取,严厉指责

The psychologist Barry Schwartz used the kindergarten experiment to excoriate an experimental New York schools programme which paid older children to show up and work hard.(心理学家巴里·施瓦兹(BarrySchwartz)利用一个在幼儿园进行的实验,批判纽约多家学校通过付钱给年龄较大的儿童让他们到校认真学习的试验性做法。)
On April 21st the Energy and Commerce Committee of the House of Representatives will excoriate the latest bunch of hapless bosses: those who had the temerity to apply accounting standard ASC 740.(4月21日,众议院能源商务委员会又要叱骂最新一批不幸的老总们了:因为他们胆敢使用ASC740会计标准。)
That's why the solution to substandard performance is always to excoriate, punish and shame the child.(这就是为什么中国父母对孩子不合标准的结果解决方式始终是苛责、惩罚和羞辱。)
To criticize severely and devastatingly; excoriate.(严厉地和带毁灭性地批评;狠批。)
Separately, much of the African writing culture that remains on the continent, including Kwani?, is propped up with cash from the Western donors that African writers purport to excoriate.(此外,留下来植根于非洲大陆的创作文化之大部,包括《宽尼文学期刊》在内,都靠西方捐款者的金钱扶持,而这些金援者却正是非洲作家们号称要斥责的人。)
To assail with stinging criticism; excoriate.(痛责:以尖刻的批评攻击;严厉地批评。)
He proceeded to excoriate me in front of the nurses.(他继续在这些护士们面前指责我。)
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