英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [peə(r)]

美 [per]


名词: parer 过去式: pared 过去分词: pared 现在分词: paring 第三人称单数: pares

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  • 削皮
  • 修掉
  • 修剪
  • 削去
  • 削减
  • (逐步)减小(常与down连用)
  • 使缩小
  • 缩减
  • 撙节
  • 佩尔(音译名)
  • 佩尔斯(音译名)
  • 帕尔(音译名)


1. decrease gradually or bit by bit

Synonym: pare down

2. remove the edges from and cut down to the desired size

e.g. pare one's fingernails
trim the photograph
trim lumber

Synonym: trim

3. strip the skin off

e.g. pare apples

Synonym: skinpeel

4. cut small bits or pare shavings from

e.g. whittle a piece of wood

Synonym: whittle

1. 削去…的皮;削去;剥去
When you pare something, or pare part of it off or away, you cut off its skin or its outer layer.


e.g. Pare the brown skin from the meat with a very sharp knife...
e.g. He took out a slab of cheese, pared off a slice and ate it hastily.

2. 削减;减少
If you pare something down or back, or if you pare it, you reduce it.

e.g. The number of Ministries has been pared down by a third...
e.g. The luxury tax won't really do much to pare down the budget deficit...

1. 剥:pare off 修掉 | pare 剥 | paregoric 止痛的

2. 剥掉:pardon 原谅 | pare 剥掉 | parent 父母亲

3. 柏尔:柏勒Bellett, J G | 柏爾Pare | 柏爾克Parker, J


4. 削减:dire: 可怕的 | pare: 削减 | firing line: 作战最前线

5. price adjusted rate of exchange:PRIAMO ALVARENGA, Ivo;伊沃.普里莫.阿尔瓦伦加;; | price adjusted rate of exchange;按物价调整的换算汇率;价格调整汇率 (价调汇率PARE;价调汇率 | price analyses and comparisons;价格分析和比较;;

  • 经典引文

  • Taking a pearl penknife out of his pocket he began to pare his nails.

    出自:K. Mansfield
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Pare down your E-mail inbox.(清理你的收件箱。)
Can you pare down the interface to make it simpler and more appealing and easier to use?(是否可以消减接口的数量让软件更加简单更有吸引力更容易使用。)
It will be necessary to pare this budget down considerably.(有必要大大地削减这笔预算。)
Pare Down your Library: Clear off your bookshelves and put all the books in a box.(削减你的藏书:把你的书架清理干净,把所有的书放进一个箱子里。)
However, they each satisfy a certain need, so I'm not sure how to pare down any further. Here's the rundown.(但是,他们每一双都满足了一种特定的需求,所以我实在不确定到底还能再减掉哪一双。)
You may not pare down your to-do list, but you'll feel much better about work in the morning.(无需削减你的任务清单,但第二天的上午,你会感觉工作的很带劲。)
pare(target[,pad]) Compares padded strings yielding -1, 0, 1 "12345".compare("12346") returns -1(pare(target[,pad])比较填满的字符串,结果为-1、0、1"12345".compare("12346")返回-1)
That way, when you see the pile of clothes, you may pare down the items.(这样,当你看着这个衣服堆时,你可能减少几件。)
If your goals are general, pare them down into sub-goals, so that you have a schedule for each sub-goal too.(如果你的目标太笼统,那么就将它们分为小目标,那么你就也给每个小目标一个详细计划。)
Nokia gets to pare down a bloated corporate structure.(诺基亚得以精简其臃肿的企业架构。)
pare是什么意思 pare在线翻译 pare什么意思 pare的意思 pare的翻译 pare的解释 pare的发音 pare的同义词