英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ɪgˈzempləri]

美 [ɪɡˈzɛmpləri]


副词: exemplarily 名词: exemplariness

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 模范的
  • 示范的
  • 惩戒性的
  • 典型的
  • 典范的
  • 值得模仿的
  • 堪称楷模的
  • 值得仿效的
  • 可仿效的
  • 杰出的
  • 告诫的
  • 杰出地
  • 值得效仿地
  • 杰出
  • 模范


1. serving to warn

e.g. shook a monitory finger at him
an exemplary jail sentence

Synonym: admonitorycautionarymonitorywarning(a)

2. being or serving as an illustration of a type

e.g. the free discussion that is emblematic of democracy
an action exemplary of his conduct

Synonym: emblematictypic

3. worthy of imitation

e.g. exemplary behavior
model citizens

Synonym: model(a)

1. 典范的;可作榜样的
If you describe someone or something as exemplary, you think they are extremely good.


e.g. Underpinning this success has been an exemplary record of innovation.

2. 惩戒性的;儆戒性的
An exemplary punishment is unusually harsh and is intended to stop other people from committing similar crimes.

e.g. He demanded exemplary sentences for those behind the violence.

1. 可仿效的:它在某种程度上是普遍的,即它去除了其精心制作(elaboration)中的任何起源;或者主体是作品的艺术构造(configuration),就如马拉美所评论的,作者的特殊性已经被取消了,在可仿效的(exemplary)开创兴建的构造中,诸如<>和<>,


2. 典型的:executive selection 行政人员选拔 | exemplary 典型的 | exemplification 例证

3. exemplary的近义词

3. 示列性:Exclusively 只 | Exemplary 示列性 | Exist a need 需要

4. 模范的,值得模仿的,示范的:Exemplar 模范,典型,模型,样品,范例 | Exemplary 模范的,值得模仿的,示范的 | Exemplify 举例说明

  • 经典引文

  • Your behaviour remains exemplary and spotless.

    出自:A. Koestler
  • I became a docile, dutiful, even an exemplary son.

    出自:G. Swift
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

You have overseen rising education rates, soaring living standards and exemplary opportunities for women.(您的监督下教育率上升了,生活水平提高了,尤其是给女人的机会增多了。)
'in the days when everyone was just, no one paid any attention to people who behaved in an exemplary manner,' replied the abbot.(在过去人人皆正直的年代里,没人会注意那些行为被作为典范的人。)
Sino-French relations should continue to play an exemplary role.(中法关系应当继续发挥示范作用。)
Although Dell's program won awards as an exemplary use of online advertising, Swarm was discontinued after only a few months.(虽然戴尔的项目作为典型的在线广告而受到好评,但Swarm在仅仅几个月后就关闭了。)
The service is exemplary, the goody-bags designer, the planes brand new.(模范般的服务,尽心设计的小礼包,全新的飞机标志。)
They fear becoming less valued if their underlings get any recognition for exemplary work.(他们害怕下属的出色工作得到认可,自己就会贬值。)
I say this because your work on the lab project was exemplary.(我这么说,是因为你对实验项目所做出的工作堪称典范。)
Soon they multiplied, and, gradually, exemplary "modern" works were also added to such galleries.(很快,这些画廊成倍增加,渐渐地,典型的“现代”作品也被添加到这些画廊中。)
The reason for the praise is Iran’s exemplary execution of a task dear to the IMF’s heart: structural reform.(伊朗受到称赞的原因是因为伊朗做了一件堪称典范的事情,这件事正中国际货币基金组织的下怀:体制改革。)
Figure 3 An exemplary first page of the calendar after marking the first page for repetition.(表3完成第一次重复学习以后的日历首页的例子。)
exemplary是什么意思 exemplary在线翻译 exemplary什么意思 exemplary的意思 exemplary的翻译 exemplary的解释 exemplary的发音 exemplary的同义词