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英 [ɪɡˌzɪlə'reɪʃn]

美 [ɪɡˌzɪləˈreʃən]


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1. the feeling of lively and cheerful joy

e.g. he could hardly conceal his excitement when she agreed

Synonym: excitement

1. 兴高采烈;兴奋
Exhilaration is a strong feeling of excitement and happiness.

1. exhilaration

1. 欢乐:exhibitionism 裸露癖 | exhilaration 欢乐 | exhort 规劝

2. 令人高兴:exhilaratingly 令人兴奋地 | exhilaration 令人高兴 | exhilarative 使高兴的

3. exhilaration的意思

3. 高兴; 振奋:Differentiate 划分;区分 | Exhilaration 高兴; 振奋 | Groin-vaulted 盖有穹棱的

4. 令人高兴,愉快:depict 描绘;描画 | exhilaration 令人高兴;愉快 | friction 摩擦

  • 经典引文

  • There was..that wild exhilaration in the air.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Imagine the satisfaction, the exhilaration when, not long after, I stood as a newlywed surveying my husband's bookcase.(想象一下我的满足。这种愉悦的心情不久之后,我就以新娘的身份来搜索我丈夫的书架。)
AS THE exhilaration over Barack Obama's inauguration fades, Europeans have begun to absorb an uncomfortable truth.(当对奥巴马就职的兴奋渐渐隐去,欧洲人开始接受一个很不自在的事实。)
I can still remember the exhilaration I felt realizing I was actually able to run for such a long time.(我对当时真切的兴奋记忆犹新,因为我知道我恨得可以跑这么长时间了。)
Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.(接受挑战吧,以便你能体会到胜利的喜悦。)
There was a fantastic exhilaration in flying over fences and obstacles on the back of the stallion.(骑在马背上飞跃栅栏和障碍能带来一种不可思议的兴奋感。)
A dream is the big picture, the ultimate happiness, joy, thrill exhilaration that we can be excited about.(梦想是大图景,是让我们兴奋的终极的幸福、喜悦、快乐和激励。)
The people and the exhilaration - it's like riding a roller coaster.(人,以及兴奋的心情——就像坐过山车一样。)
It's been a while since you've felt the exhilaration that comes with starting a new job.(自从你开始一份新的工作以来你心情愉快已经有好阵子了。)
The exhilaration of winning such a famous event has stayed with him.(赢得一场如此著名赛事的欢欣始终萦绕着他。)
Well, a girl can give her guy that same thrilling mix of exhilaration and anticipation by surprising him.(那好吧。女人能够给男人意想不到的、却同样既有愉快又有期待的兴奋。)
exhilaration是什么意思 exhilaration在线翻译 exhilaration什么意思 exhilaration的意思 exhilaration的翻译 exhilaration的解释 exhilaration的发音 exhilaration的同义词