英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:03:56



英 [fəˈmɪliəl]

美 [fəˈmɪljəl]


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  • 家庭的
  • 遗传的
  • 某家特有的
  • 家族性的
  • 家传的


1. occurring among members of a family usually by heredity

e.g. an inherited disease
familial traits
genetically transmitted features

Synonym: genetichereditaryinheritedtransmittedtransmissible

2. relating to or having the characteristics of a family

e.g. children of the same familial background
familial aggregation

1. 家庭(或家族)的;家庭(或家族)特有的
Familial means relating to families in general, or typical of a family.

e.g. Gerard also took on wider familial respon-sibilities.

1. 家族性:遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病(hereditary gingival fibromatosis)是一种罕见的口腔遗传性疾病,又名家族性(familial)特发性(idiopathic)牙龈纤维瘤病. 笔者于1992年始,在临床上遇见一例家族中多个成员患此病. 对其四代6对夫妇共26名家庭成员进行调查,发现其中有1...

2. 家庭的:negate 否认 | familial 家庭的 | vain 无用的,虚荣的

3. 家族的:familarity 亲密 | familial 家族的 | familiar spirit 妖精

4. familial的近义词

4. 科的:Famennian法门阶 | familial科的 | familiarity熟悉

The familial allusion was left off the album.(这张专辑上对家庭的影射就此止步。)
Mutations in the DLST gene may be responsible for the familial Alzheimer disease (1).(该基因的突变会导致家族性的阿尔茨海默病(1)。)
These are cholesterol deposits and can often be seen in some patients with inherited or familial cholesterol.(这些都是胆固醇的存款及经常可以看到一些病人的遗传或家族性胆固醇)。)
Familial forms of FSGS also exist due to alterations of several different podocyte proteins.(家族性FSGS也可因为某些不同的足突细胞蛋白改变而发生。)
It was a lovely place with a sweet familial quality to it.(那是一个家庭气息十分浓厚的可爱地方。)
A kind of familial moral hazard kicks in, as people fear their children will no longer look after them if they are insured.(随着很多人担忧若是他们投保之后他们的子女会将自己弃之不顾,一种类似家庭性的道德危机开始蔓延。)
However, in this age, according to statistics, familial issues are increasing greatly.(然而据统计,在这个时代,家庭的问题正急剧增加。)
Gerard also took on wider familial responsibilities.(杰拉德也承担了更多的家庭责任。)
Deep familial and cultural ties across the border shrink the distance between them even more.(美墨两国间深厚的家族和文化渊源进一步缩短了两国间的距离。)
Nevertheless, a glance at your family tree may indicate whether you have a familial tendency toward longevity.(尽管如此,如果你扫视一眼你的家族树,就可能发现你是否有家族性长寿的倾向。)
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