英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [fɪg]

美 [fɪɡ]




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  • 【植】无花果,无花果树
  • 少许,微量,一些,一点儿
  • 微不足道的事
  • 无价值的东西,不值钱的东西
  • 琐屑
  • 服装,盛装,装束
  • 外貌,外观,外表
  • 健康状况
  • 表示轻蔑的手势,侮辱人的手势
  • =Flight Inspection Group 飞行检查组
  • =figure 图,表
  • 打扮,装饰 ,给...穿上盛装
  • 刷新
  • 修整



1. a diagram or picture illustrating textual material

e.g. the area covered can be seen from Figure 2

Synonym: figure

2. fleshy sweet pear-shaped yellowish or purple multiple fruit eaten fresh or preserved or dried

3. Mediterranean tree widely cultivated for its edible fruit

Synonym: common figcommon fig treeFicus carica

1. 无花果
A fig is a soft sweet fruit that grows in hot countries. It is full of tiny seeds and is often eaten dried.


2. 无花果树
A fig or a fig tree is a tree on which figs grow.


3. (对…)丝毫(不)在乎,完全(不)放在心上
If you say that someone doesn't care a fig or doesn't give a fig about something, you are emphasizing that they think it is unimportant or that they are not interested in it.

e.g. I do not give a fig what society thinks.

1. 国际测量师联合会:国际测量师联合会(FIG)成立于1878年,是联合国认可的世界土地与房地产管理领域的学术性非政府组织,主要致力于促进世界各国(地区)在土地测量和土地管理方面的交流与合作,提高世界各国(地区)土地测量与土地管理的专业技术水平.

2. 国际体操联合会:(瑞士洛桑国际体操联合会办公室,2009年6月23日) 国际体操联合会(FIG)近日决定,就参加2000年悉尼奥运会的两名中国女子体操运动员董芳霄和杨云违反最低参赛年龄规定的问题展开调查.

3. fig的翻译

3. 花果:水果包括瓜类、枣、石榴(pomegranate)、无花果(fig)和苹果等等. 有关这些土地的管理方面还有很多细节,比如从佃户那里收上来的租子、动物饲料以及下一季需要种子数量以及许多关于灌溉设施及灌溉计划的细节等等.

4. fig:fédération internationale de gymnastique; 国际体操联合会

5. fig

5. fig:fast information group; 快速信息组

6. fig:fig specifications; 国际体操联合会标准

7. fig的反义词

7. fig:foreign investment grant; 外国投资补贴

This left us with two runtime configurations, both shown in FIG. 2.(这给我们提供了两套运行时配置,它们都显示在图2中。)
Next, the trees said to the fig tree, 'Come and be our king.'(树木对无花果树说:'请你来作我们的王。')
The Fig (a notional handheld computer)(图形(一个概念性手持式计算机))
This deal is little more than a fig leaf for the continued destruction of the landscape.(这笔交易只不过是对自然景观持续破坏行为的遮掩而已。)
A rendering of the Roman theater at Aspendius, Turkey is shown in Fig.(至今保存完好的罗马剧场之一是,土耳其的阿斯潘多斯古罗马剧院。)
Although he was a 'FIG', but to be a life after all.(他虽然是个无花果,毕竟也是一条生命。)
But above all, through the wide FIG trees there was the sky.(而阔大的无花果树之外,是超出于这一切之上的天空。)
Open the schedule book on the first page and copy the table from Fig. 2.(打开日程笔记,把下面的表2复制到第一页。)
First, they hid from one another—the notorious fig leaf cover-up.(首先,他们互相躲——用后来妇孺皆知的那两条无花果叶做的裙子。)
The FIG tree you cursed has withered!(你所咒诅的无花果树,已经枯干了。)
fig是什么意思 fig在线翻译 fig什么意思 fig的意思 fig的翻译 fig的解释 fig的发音 fig的同义词