英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 14:19:51



英 [ˈfledʒlɪŋ]

美 [ˈflɛdʒlɪŋ]



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1. young bird that has just fledged or become capable of flying

Synonym: fledgeling

2. any new participant in some activity

Synonym: newcomerfledgelingstarterneophytefreshmannewbieentrant


1. young and inexperienced

e.g. a fledgling enterprise
a fledgling skier
an unfledged lawyer

Synonym: unfledgedcallow

1. 刚长羽毛的小鸟;刚学飞的幼鸟
A fledgling is a young bird that has its feathers and is learning to fly.

2. 新手的;(组织或系统)新建的,没有经验的
You use fledgling to describe a person, organization, or system that is new or without experience.


e.g. ...the sound practical advice he gave to fledgling writers.
e.g. ...Russia's fledgling democracy.

1. fledgling什么意思

1. 雏鸟:fledging 雏鸟 | fledgling 雏鸟 | fledgy 盖羽毛的

2. 无经验的人:200. flatterer: 谄媚者,奉承者. | 201. fledgling: 无经验的人. | 202. fop: 花花公子.

3. 獨立性雛鳥:flame spectrometry 焰光光譜分析 | fledgling 獨立性雛鳥 | flesh weight (去殼)肉重

4. 刚学飞的幼鸟,无经验的人:fecundity 肥沃,多产 | fledgling 刚学飞的幼鸟,无经验的人 | foreclose 排除,取消抵押品的赎回权

  • 经典引文

  • He gave fledgling authors a chance to appear in print.

    出自:E. Johnson
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

In 1933 he joined McKinsey's fledgling firm when its only office was in Chicago.(1933年他加入了麦肯锡尚处雏形期的公司,当时公司只在芝加哥有一个办事处。)
That was one way that people tried to create unity in this early fledgling movement.(这是早期的雏形运动中,人们创造团结统一的方法之一。)
Perhaps that's partly why fledgling writers are often told to write in the active tense: to the reader it will seem more true.(也许这也解释了为什么写作新手多用主动语态。因为读起来会感觉更真实。)
One of these was a fledgling author by the name of Ayn Rand.(其中有一位当时还是初出茅庐的女作家,她的名字就是艾茵·兰德。)
All that cash has also inflated valuations of fledgling businesses, making it harder for VC funds to turn a profit on them.(所有的资金都追捧那些羽翼未丰的公司,这时vc想从中获利也变得困难。)
It can also claim a fledgling design industry, thanks to the Washingtons and their small community of colleagues.(它的设计业刚刚起步,多亏了华盛顿夫妇及其他联合成员。)
But that doesn't mean fledgling sites can't pay off for investors.(但这并不意味着这些新生的交友网站就无法给投资人带来回报。)
They have dubbed their fledgling discipline “synthetic biology”.(他们为这个新兴的学科命名为“合成生物学”。)
The pressure on the fledgling entrepreneur is intense.(这个没有经验的企业家压力很大。)
Trolltech's change of heart is indicative of the heated competition in the fledgling market for Linux mobile phones.(Trolltech对LIPS的变节,预示着在初出茅庐的Linux手机市场,将引起一场激烈的竞争。)
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