1. outer coat of especially sheep and yaks
Synonym: wool
2. a soft bulky fabric with deep pile
used chiefly for clothing
3. tanned skin of a sheep with the fleece left on
used for clothing
Synonym: sheepskin
4. the wool of a sheep or similar animal
1. shear the wool from
e.g. shear sheep
Synonym: shear
2. rip off
ask an unreasonable price
Synonym: overchargesoaksurchargegazumpplumepluckrobhook
1. 羊毛
A sheep's fleece is the coat of wool that covers it.
2. 一只羊一次剪下的羊毛
A fleece is the wool that is cut off one sheep in a single piece.
3. 欺诈;诈骗;敲诈
If you fleece someone, you get a lot of money from them by tricking them or charging them too much.
e.g. She claims he fleeced her out of thousands of pounds.
4. 绒头织物;绒头织物服装
Fleece is a soft warm artificial fabric. A fleece is also a jacket or other garment made from this fabric.
1. 羊毛:为了提供使用者更多身体上的保护跟使用上的舒适性,依据产品的特质我们使用防水透湿布 (waterproof & breathability) 、防风布 (windstop) 、羊毛 (Fleece) 、 Neoprene 、莱卡布 (Lycra) 、防冲击护垫 (shockproof) 、两向或四向伸
2. 抓毛:烧烤或打边炉时不会穿著易燃物料服装如抓毛(fleece) 衣服烧烤或打边炉时不会穿著易燃物料服装如抓毛(fleece) 衣服烧烤或打边炉时不会穿著易燃物料服装如抓毛(fleece) 衣服烧烤或打边炉时不会穿著易燃物料服装如抓毛(fleece) 衣服烧烤或打边炉
3. 套毛:布料及针织:多功能的纱线及布料.既发挥保护作用亦充满时尚感,看似简单但却矜贵且具尖端科技的特质.合成纤维或山羊绒制成的优质法兰绒
4. 摇粒绒:1998年10月,优衣库推出了摇粒绒(Fleece)成衣,这一面料轻且保暖、并且具有速干性,关键是价格仅需1990日圆,对应日本工薪族平均日薪约1.5万日元,而颜色又很齐全.
Thou shalt have a necklace of jet at next shearing-feast, if our fleeces bear any price in the market.
出自:Sir W. ScottTo divide what they fleeced from these poor drudges.