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更新时间:2025-03-24 14:24:28



英 [ˈfɒgi]

美 [ˈfɔ:gi]


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副词: foggily 比较级: foggier 最高级: foggiest 名词: fogginess

  • 英英释义

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1. obscured by fog

e.g. he could barely see through the fogged window

Synonym: fogged

2. filled or abounding with fog or mist

e.g. a brumous October morning

Synonym: brumoushazymisty

3. indistinct or hazy in outline

e.g. a landscape of blurred outlines
the trees were just blurry shapes

Synonym: blearyblurredblurryfuzzyhazymuzzy

4. stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion)

Synonym: dazedgroggylogystuporous

1. 有雾的
When it is foggy, there is fog.


e.g. It's quite foggy now...
e.g. Conditions were damp and foggy after morning sleet.

2. 一点儿也不知道;根本没什么概念
If you say that you haven't the foggiest or you haven't the foggiest idea, you are emphasizing that you do not know something.

e.g. I did not have the foggiest idea what he meant...
e.g. 'How often does it need to be changed?' — 'Haven't the foggiest.'

1. 雾:天有阴(cloudy)晴(sunny),也有刮风(windy)下雨(rainy),少不了冰天(icy)雪地(snowy),一年之中总有许几次大雾(foggy)天气. 暖(warm)热(hot)冷(cold)凉(cool)四季交替,总觉空气时常干(dry)湿(wet)不透气.

2. 大霧:天有阴(cloudy)晴(sunny),也有刮风(windy)下雨(rainy),少不了冰天(icy)雪地(snowy),一年之中总有许几次大雾(foggy)天气. 暖(warm)热(hot)冷(cold)凉(cool)四季交替,总觉空气时常干(dry)湿(wet)不透气.

3. 有雾的:Fog 浓雾 | Foggy 有雾的 | Mist 雾

4. 雾深的:fogger 信号手 | foggy 雾深的 | foghorn 雾号

  • 经典引文

  • My memory's so foggy these days.

    出自:K. Ishiguro
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

But it seemed impossible: pitch dark, foggy, altitude of 1, 800m (5, 000ft).(但似乎不太可能:漆黑一片、大雾弥漫,而且海拔1800米。)
As often as not the buses are late on foggy days.(每遇多雾天气,公共汽车往往脱班。)
It's quite foggy now.(现在雾很大。)
With such a foggy outlook, it is only natural that markets value many investment Banks at or below book value.(在这样一个不明朗的前景下,市场将许多投行估值于账面价值甚至更低就在意料之中了。)
You may have cloudy, fuzzy, or foggy vision.(你可能会视力下降,看东西模糊不清。)
Because our inner space is cluttered, our inner clarity and in-born wisdom becomes distant and foggy.(正因为我们的内心世界如此凌乱,井井有和与生俱来的生活智慧才变得遥不可及。)
They can change their minds 200 times, but having only a foggy view of the future is of little good.(他们可以200次改变主意,但对未来只有模糊的想法是不好的。)
Beautiful morning light and shadows, a stormy or foggy day (especially fog!)(美丽的清晨的光影,暴风雨和雾天(尤其是雾霾!))
No area was spared or unaffected, from the foggy northern coast to the Sierra Nevada Mountains.(从雾蒙蒙的北部海岸到内华达山脉,没有一个地区幸免或不受影响。)
One group of rowers who tried to cross three miles of water in foggy weather never succeeded in reaching their goal.(在大雾的天气里,一帮想要横渡三英里的水面的划船手永远也不能成功地划到他们的目的地。)
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