英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 11:41:07



英 [fəʊld]

美 [foʊld]




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形容词: foldable 过去式: folded 过去分词: folded 现在分词: folding 第三人称单数: folds

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  • 羊栏,畜栏
  • 羊群
  • 褶层,褶页
  • 折叠,折
  • 褶痕,褶皱,皱
  • (教会的)信徒
  • 教会
  • 坑洼,起伏
  • 信仰
  • 价值观相同的一群人
  • 笼罩,包围
  • 包,裹,包起
  • 合拢
  • 失败,垮台,彻底失败
  • 抱住, 拥抱,搂住
  • 关闭,公司、戏剧等倒闭,被迫歇业
  • 对折起来,交叠,摺叠, 对摺,折小,叠平
  • 把...关进栏内,把…关进羊栏
  • 叉手,交叉
  • 盘(脚)
  • 因生意清淡而停演
  • 可以折叠,可以对折,可以摺叠,可折小,可叠平
  • 结束
  • 衰退,垮下
  • 由于酗酒而崩溃
  • 翻倍
  • vt. & vi. 折叠; 对折交叠 turn or press back one part of and lay on the remaining part; bend into two or more parts
  • vt. 包围,包起,笼罩 enclose; wrap; cover


1. the act of folding

e.g. he gave the napkins a double fold

Synonym: folding

2. a pen for sheep

Synonym: sheepfoldsheep pensheepcote

3. a folded part (as in skin or muscle)

Synonym: plica

4. a group of sheep or goats

Synonym: flock

5. a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church

Synonym: congregationfaithful

6. a geological process that causes a bend in a stratum of rock

Synonym: folding

7. an angular or rounded shape made by folding

e.g. a fold in the napkin
a crease in his trousers
a plication on her blouse
a flexure of the colon
a bend of his elbow

Synonym: creaseplicationflexurecrimpbend


1. incorporate a food ingredient into a mixture by repeatedly turning it over without stirring or beating

e.g. Fold the egg whites into the batter

2. become folded or folded up

e.g. The bed folds in a jiffy

Synonym: fold up

3. bend or lay so that one part covers the other

e.g. fold up the newspaper
turn up your collar

Synonym: fold upturn up

4. confine in a fold, like sheep

Synonym: pen up

5. cease to operate or cause to cease operating

e.g. The owners decided to move and to close the factory
My business closes every night at 8 P.M.
close up the shop

Synonym: close upcloseshut downclose down

1. 折叠;折起;叠起
If you fold something such as a piece of paper or cloth, you bend it so that one part covers another part, often pressing the edge so that it stays in place.

e.g. He folded the paper carefully...
e.g. Fold the omelette in half...

2. 褶缝;褶痕;折叠线
A fold in a piece of paper or cloth is a bend that you make in it when you put one part of it over another part and press the edge.

e.g. Make another fold and turn the ends together.

3. (布料的)褶皱,褶痕
The folds in a piece of cloth are the curved shapes which are formed when it is not hanging or lying flat.


e.g. The priest fumbled in the folds of his gown.

4. 折叠;折起
If a piece of furniture or equipment folds or if you can fold it, you can make it smaller by bending or closing parts of it.

e.g. The back of the bench folds forward to make a table...
e.g. This portable seat folds flat for easy storage...

5. 交叉,交叠(双手或双臂)
If you fold your arms or hands, you bring them together and cross or link them, for example over your chest.

e.g. Meer folded his arms over his chest and turned his head away...
e.g. Mrs Ringrose sat down and folded her hands in her lap.

6. (企业或组织)停业,关门
If a business or organization folds, it is unsuccessful and has to close.

e.g. But as other shops fold, the march of the superstores continues...
e.g. 2,500 small businesses were folding each week.

7. 队伍;同一群体的人
When someone joins an organization or group, you can say that they have come into the fold. When they leave the organization or group, you can say that they leave the fold .


e.g. The EU wanted to bring the US back into the fold...
e.g. He might find it difficult to return to the family fold when he realizes his mistake.

8. (烹饪时将调料)调入,加入
In cooking, if you fold in an ingredient or fold it into the other ingredients, you mix it very gently into the other ingredients.


e.g. Fold in the flour...
e.g. Fold the cream into the egg yolk mixture.

9. 把…折叠起来
If you fold something up, you make it into a smaller, neater shape by folding it, usually several times.

e.g. She folded it up, and tucked it into her purse...
e.g. He folded up his paper and put it away.

相关词组:fold infold up

1. 褶皱:(新页面: 褶皱(fold)是指岩石的各种面状构造(如层面、叶理)受到力的作用而呈现弯曲形态的地质构造. 褶皱的形态千姿百态,褶皱的规模差别也极大. ...)褶皱(fold)是指岩石的各种面状构造(如层面、叶理)受到力的作用而呈现弯曲形态的地质构造.

2. 弃牌:a) 跟注(Call)b) 弃牌(Fold)c) 加注(Raise)答案a是对的. 你跟(Call)那个加注(Raise). 如果另外还有一个玩家的话,你必须押下你的所有筹码(All-In). 但是这里没有那个必要,因为你唯一的一个对手已经押下了所有筹码(All-In).

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  • 经典引文

    折叠起来挪开 be able to be bent for storage
    fold sth ⇔ away

    These doors are made in pieces that can be folded away against the wall.


    This bed can be easily folded away.


1. return to the fold : (出走后)重回老家;

2. fold up : 倒闭, 塌下, 垮掉, 放弃, 撒手;

  • Does this table fold?
  • Paper folds more easily than cardboard.
  • The cloth doesn't fold well.
  • A fan folds.
用作动词 (v.)
  • The thick woollen stockings..would not stay up but hung in folds round her ankles.

    出自:A. Gray
  • Her crooked fingers worked amongst the folds of her silken skirt.

    出自:G. Heyer
  • The effect was found to be several fold greater than of steam from the same quantity of fuel.

    出自:N. Arnott
  • He envies those who have learned, / when reading newspapers, / how to fold them.

    出自:W. H. Auden
  • There was the distant sound of folded sheep.

    出自:I. Murdoch
  • 词语用法

  • 词源解说

  • fold的基本意思是“折叠”,可指对折,也可指交叠,引申可表示“包围,包起,笼罩”。
  • fold用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构; 也可接副词away, up或介词in, around, into 等短语作宾语补足语, fold也可用作不及物动词,这时主动形式常含有被动意义。
  • fold偶尔可用作系动词接形容词作表语。
  • fold的过去分词folded常用作形容词,在句中作定语。
Created with Highcharts 10.0.0词性常用度
  • ☆ 直接源自古英语的faldan,意为折叠衣物。
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.fold

These pieces can be folded into a neat little pack and fastened on your belt.

这些碎片可以折叠成一个整洁的小包装, 系在腰带上。


They'll be covered if left in the fold all night.(如果把它们整夜放在羊圈里,它们会被盖住的。)
The answer is two fold.(答案是双重的。)
The cost of a loaf of bread has increased five-fold.(一块面包的价格已经涨了5倍。)
I fold clothes with her.(我和她一起叠衣服。)
I fold up the chairs.(我把椅子折起来。)
Goshawk Insurance Holdings, which insures aircraft around the world, said rates had soared as much as 10-fold since the Sept. 11 terror attacks.(为全球飞机提供保险的GoshawkInsuranceHoldings称,自9月11日恐袭以后,保险费率已飙升了10倍之多。)
My sister is helping my auntie to fold the clothes.(我姐姐帮助我阿姨叠衣服。)
A third type of mountain may be formed as a result of volcanic activity which occurs in regions of active fold mountain belts, such as in the Cascade Range of western North America.(第三种类型的山可能是由于火山活动形成的,一般发生在活动性褶皱带地区,如北美西部的喀斯喀特山脉。)
Third, fold the bottom part up, then fold it again.(第三,把下半部往上叠,然后再对折。)
You can fold your paper like this.(你可以这样折你的纸。)
fold是什么意思 fold在线翻译 fold什么意思 fold的意思 fold的翻译 fold的解释 fold的发音 fold的同义词