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美 [plit]



名词: pleater 过去式: pleated 过去分词: pleated 现在分词: pleating 第三人称单数: pleats

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  • 褶,褶状物
  • 褶裥
  • 褶层
  • 使打褶
  • 把...编成辫
  • 打褶

1. 衣褶;褶裥
A pleat in a piece of clothing is a permanent fold that is made in the cloth by folding one part over the other and sewing across the top end of the fold.

1. 褶:[东方日报专讯]流行时装经常出现褶(Pleat)这种设计,原来褶亦分为很多种,设计师Zac Posen及Issey Miyake(三宅一生)就是将褶玩得淋漓尽致的佼佼者,且看日后他们能否掀起一个「褶潮」.

2. 生褶 省:前浪 前档 FRONT RISE | 生褶 省 PLEAT | 死褶 褶 DART

3. pleat的翻译

3. 褶,活褶,[粤]生褶:plastic string 胶针 | pleat 褶,活褶,[粤]生褶 | pocket bearer 袋衬

4. pleat是什么意思

4. 褶裥:Watch 表袋 | 褶裥PLEAT | Accordion 风琴褶

You can pleat palm fronds to make huts, umbrellas and baskets.(人们可以把棕榈叶折叠起来盖棚屋,制伞,编篮子。)
Straight back yoke with box pleat.(直背盒褶的枷锁。)
Learn how to iron the first pleat when ironing your shorts in this free clothing care video from our professional wardrobe expert.(学习如何当铁第一褶熨烫衣物护理在此免费视频从我们的专业服装专家你的短裤。)
I wanted to express the character of Issey Miyake's obsession with the pleat in this flagship store.(我想表达的特点三宅一生的痴迷与褶在这旗舰店。)
One pleat, maximum.(最多一条裤褶。)
To pleat or gather (fabric) into a ruffle.(给(织物)打褶裥,给(织物)饰褶边。)
The suit jacket is simply too imposing and will look top-heavy without the pleat or the cuff.(西装夹克没有收口和褶皱的搭配,实在太庄重而且看起来头重脚轻的感觉。)
Pleat, as an essentially constitutional factor of costume, is a combination of function and beauty. It also embodies the different aesthetic concepts of both traditional and modern costume.(皱褶是构成服装的必要因素,是服装实用性和美观性的结合;同时,皱褶在传统及现代服装中又体现出不同的服装审美观。)
Elaborates pleat veins form, feature and its change. Explains the combination skill of pleat veins with examples.(阐述了褶纹的形成、特征及其变化,并以实例说明褶纹的组合技巧。)
In addition, the shallow pleat construction simplifies the cleaning process.(此外,该滤芯很浅的折皱,简化了清洗过程。)
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