英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 ['fleɪvə]

美 [ˈflevɚ]



形容词: flavorless 名词: flavorer 过去式: flavored 过去分词: flavored 现在分词: flavoring 第三人称单数: flavors

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1. the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth

Synonym: relishflavoursapiditysavorsavoursmackniptang

2. (physics) the six kinds of quarks

Synonym: flavour

3. the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people

e.g. the feel of the city excited him
a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting
it had the smell of treason

Synonym: spirittonefeelfeelingflavourlooksmell


1. lend flavor to

e.g. Season the chicken breast after roasting it

Synonym: seasonflavour

1. flavor

1. 风味:咖啡印象:质感(Body) 香味(Aroma) 风味(Flavor) 瓜地马拉咖啡:带有上等的酸味与甜味滑润顺口,是混合咖啡的最佳材料,适合深度烘培. 吉力马札罗咖啡:酸、甜、纯、香味均属于上品,中度烘培后会散发出甜味与清淡的酸味,

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These works have a strong flavor of rural life.(这些作品具有浓郁的农村生活气息。)
Certain flavor compounds give you a nice caramel flavor, whereas others give you a burnt or bitter taste.(一定程度化合物给你美妙的焦糖味道,而其它给你烧焦或苦涩的味道。)
The grapes are originally native to Croatia but this winery is in eastern Italy and it has a more spicy and peppery flavor.(这种葡萄原产于克罗地亚,但这家酿酒厂位于意大利东部,它有一种更辛辣的胡椒一样的味道。)
Which flavor of moon cake do you like?(你喜欢什么口味的月饼呢?)
Rice cake can be made into original flavor or various other flavors.(米糕可以做成原味的或其他各种口味。)
He became one of the first modern chefs to focus on the appearance of his table, not just the flavor of his dishes.(他成为第一个关注餐桌外观而不仅仅是菜肴味道的现代厨师。)
When it comes to celebrating the flavor of food, our mouth gets all the credit.(当谈到品尝食物的味道时,我们的嘴功不可没。)
Primates specialise in savoring the many millions of flavor combinations that they can create for their mouths.(灵长类动物特别擅长于为它们的嘴巴创造数百万种不同的味道组合。)
Preparations from the white mustard plant ("Sinapis alba") have a less pungent flavor than preparations of Brassica nigra.(白芥末植物的制剂比黑芥子的制剂刺激性较小。)
Asian populations in Seattle enjoy green bean, red bean and taro flavor ice creams.(在西雅图生活的亚洲人喜欢绿豆、红豆和香芋口味的冰淇淋。)
flavor是什么意思 flavor在线翻译 flavor什么意思 flavor的意思 flavor的翻译 flavor的解释 flavor的发音 flavor的同义词