英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 14:35:36


英 [frɪˈdʒɪdəti]

美 [frɪˈdʒɪdətɪ]


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1. a lack of affection or enthusiasm

e.g. a distressing coldness of tone and manner

Synonym: coldnesscoolnessfrigidnessicinesschilliness

2. the absence of heat

e.g. the coldness made our breath visible
come in out of the cold
cold is a vasoconstrictor

Synonym: coldnesscoldlow temperaturefrigidness

3. sexual unresponsiveness (especially of women) and inability to achieve orgasm during intercourse

Synonym: frigidness

1. frigidity在线翻译

1. 性冷感:性兴奋障碍 性冷感(Frigidity)是指性欲不足或性欲减退,无论男女都有可能出现. 真正的性功能障碍分为四种:性欲望障碍、性兴奋障碍、高潮障碍、性交疼痛障碍. 以女性而论,特征是非常想要做爱,但经过

2. 性感缺乏:也有很多文献将性乐缺乏(或称性快感缺失,笔者认为此种看法有待商榷,详见本书<>一节)归入性唤起障碍,又称性感缺乏(frigidity)或性乐缺失(lack of sexual pleasure),其主要特点是对性刺激完全无反应,或伴缺乏性快感和性满足,

3. 性感缺失:friction sound 摩擦音 | frigidity 性感缺失 | frigotherapy 冷冻疗法

4. 寒冷:frigidarium 冷水浴室 | frigidity 寒冷 | frigidly 冷淡地

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

We have seen support, understanding, love and tolerance, but we have also seen selfishness, cruelty, judgment and frigidity.(我们看到支持、理解、爱与包容,我们同时也看到自私、残酷、背叛和冷漠。)
Though her perfection discouraged pleasures, especially the pleasures of love, he had learned in time to feel the pride of a husband in her natural frigidity.(尽管她的完美减少了乐趣,尤其是爱情的乐趣,经过长时间的生活,作为一个丈夫,他渐渐为她天性中的保守感到骄傲。)
Rooting in atrocious survival environment, pants, which invented by local people for withstand frigidity and safeguard their bodies, enwrap peoples' legs.(裤子是对人们的腿部分别进行包裹的衣物,它产生于生存环境恶劣的地区,是当地的人们为了抵御寒冷和保护身体而发明的。)
It can bear frigidity and is adapted to grow in the damp environment.(耐寒冷,生长在空气湿度大的环境。)
Macon Leary is a reluctant travel writer, whose usual emotional frigidity degenerates to near-paralysis after his son is murdered and his wife leaves him.(MaconLeary是个勉强的旅行作家,他惯常的情绪性冷淡在他儿子遇害、他妻子离开他之后退化到几近麻痹。)
The frigidity of her manner melted away at once.((指人或态度)冷淡的,疏远的,漠不关心的。)
When I remembered how far I had once been admitted to his confidence, I could hardly comprehend his present frigidity.(当我记起我曾深得他的信任时,我很难理解他现在的冷淡态度。)
In the reality competition is not like this frigidity.(现实中的竞争是如此的惨烈。)
frigidity是什么意思 frigidity在线翻译 frigidity什么意思 frigidity的意思 frigidity的翻译 frigidity的解释 frigidity的发音 frigidity的同义词