英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-19 20:02:52
  • 双语例句


1. The following factors will lead to the burst of the bubble and result the downturn of the market: House prices stop rising or start falling More economic austerity measures - eg sharp interest rate hikes and introduction of capital gain tax The market becomes concerned about an economic hard landing A sharp rise in the mortgage default rate Some property companies run into financial difficulties The continuous recovery since 2000 has instilled a bullishness among buyers and developers, which in turn is creating a bubble in both demand and supply as house prices move beyond the reach of genuine buyers and future completions continue to rise rapidly.
以下几个因素将导致泡沫之爆破:住宅价格停止上升或开始下降进一步的经济调控措施–例如利率急剧提高和引进资本利得税市场关注经济硬着陆按揭贷款违约率的急剧上升某些房地产公司陷入财务危机 2000年以来的持续复苏已在购房人和开发商心目中形成了持续上涨的观念,当房价上涨超过当地真实买房人的购买力和未来竣工量快速增加时,这反过来会在供需双方形成泡沫。

Debtors gain from low interest rates but savers lose, and Japanese households have the biggest stash of saving (relative to their income) among developed economies.(债务人从低利率中获利,而储蓄人则遭受损失。在发达国家中,最大的储蓄中断就出现在日本。)
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