英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 14:41:29



英 [geɪt]

美 [ɡet]


过去式: gaited 过去分词: gaited 现在分词: gaiting 第三人称单数: gaits

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  • 步态
  • 步法
  • 步伐
  • 速度
  • 【纺】穿经
  • 花纹循环
  • 步子
  • 步法之一
  • 步调
  • 训练 … 的步态
  • 引导(狗)在评审前展示
  • 以某种步态走


1. a person's manner of walking

2. a horse's manner of moving

3. the rate of moving (especially walking or running)

Synonym: pace

1. 步态;步法
A particular kind of gait is a particular way of walking.

e.g. ...a tubby little man in his fifties, with sparse hair and a rolling gait...
e.g. His movements were clumsy, and his gait peculiarly awkward.


1. 步态:十一、步态 步态(gait)指走动时所表现的姿态. 健康人的步态因年龄、机体状态和所受训练的 影响而有不同表现,如小儿喜急行或小跑,青壮年矫健快速,老年人则常为小步慢行. 当 患某些疾病时可导致步态发生显著改变,并具有一定的特征性,

2. 步伐:共济失调(ataxia)希腊原文的意思是次序混乱,或是英文俗称的incoordination,可以用很多方式来表现,譬如步伐(gait)不稳. 神经系统检查中步伐的检查是非常重要的一项,因为走路要走得好,需要很多神经系统功能的协调,包括运动系统、感觉系统,


3. 步法:Full Eyes-突出的眼睛 | Gait-步法 | Gazehound-使用嗅覺的獵犬

4. 步法/速率:步长 step length | 步法/速率 gait | 步进应力试验/级增应力试验 step stress test

  • 经典引文

  • Scarse thy legs uphold thy feeble gate.

  • She walked with an awkward gait, bending forward from the waist.

    出自:D. M. Thomas
Though they were young they walked with bowed heads, which gait of grief the sun's rays smiled on pitilessly.(虽然他们都是年轻人,但是他们走路的时候都把头低着,太阳微笑着把光芒洒在他们悲伤的步伐上,一点儿也不可怜他们。)
I call this the staircase illusion, and actually when the staircase illusion abruptly ended, he froze, and this is called freezing of gait.(我把这种称为阶梯假象,实际上,当阶梯假象突然结束了,他就会停住了,这叫做步态冻结。)
Lucy's species differed from modern humans in ways that might have created gait disparities, in his view.(以他的观点看,露西这一物种与现代人区别之处在于可能已造成步态差异的方式。)
Over time, your gait will become more efficient.(日积月累,你的步法将越来越有效率。)
The people stumbled through the streets like the survivors of an earthquake, with glazed expressions and awkward gait.(人们在街上蹒跚而行,神情呆滞,步履艰难,像是地震后的幸存者。)
The reason smaller people use more energy is not due to a different gait or a less efficient metabolic rate per stride.(小个子人需要消耗更多的能量并不是因为步伐的不同或者每步较低的代谢率。)
Some researchers previously argued that the Laetoli footprints resulted from a humanlike gait.(一些研究人员先前曾经认为,拉多里脚印由一个类人步态得来。)
See our videos on shoe selection and gait analysis to help find the right shoes for you.(你可以看看我们的选鞋和步态分析的视频,这可以帮助你选到合适的鞋。)
Sure, Paula Radcliffe set the world marathon record with her distinct loping gait.(的确,保拉.拉德克利夫用她独特的大步幅跑法创下了世界马拉松记录。)
It may feel weird, but a new study finds that arms contribute nothing to the human gait.(这给你的感觉也许有些怪异,不过一项新的研究发现,我们的双臂对于行走其实毫无贡献。)
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