英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 14:42:58



英 [dʒeɪl,dʒel]

美 [dʒel]



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  • 监狱,监牢
  • 拘留所
  • 监禁
  • 把...关进监狱
  • 关押
  • (使)坐牢
  • =jail(美)


1. a correctional institution used to detain persons who are in the lawful custody of the government (either accused persons awaiting trial or convicted persons serving a sentence)

Synonym: jailjailhouseclinkslammerpokypokey


1. lock up or confine, in or as in a jail

e.g. The suspects were imprisoned without trial
the murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life

Synonym: imprisonincarceratelagimmureput behind barsjailjugput awayremand

1. -> see jail

1. gaol的近义词

1. 监狱:Ganser syndrome 甘塞尔综合症 | gaol 监狱 | gaolbird 囚犯

2. 监狱,监禁,使...坐牢:gang:一帮,一群 | gaol:监狱,监禁,使...坐牢 | gap:缺口,间隔,间隙,差距,不足,缺陷

3. gaol

3. 监禁,监狱:gang 一队,一族;一群,一帮 | gaol 监禁,监狱 | gap 空隙;缺口

4. 监牢/监狱/监禁/关押:ganymede /为众神酌酒的美少年/ | gaol /监牢/监狱/监禁/关押/ | gaol bird /囚犯/犯人/惯犯/

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The Committee of Vigilance promptly arrested the Knapp brothers and sent them to the Salem Gaol, their cells not far from those occupied by the Crowninshields.(警戒委员会迅速逮捕了克纳普兄弟,把他们也扔进了萨勒姆监狱,囚禁这二人的牢房与克劳宁希尔德兄弟的牢房相距不远。)
1897 - Oscar Wilde is released from Reading Gaol.(1897年的今天,奥斯卡·王尔德从雷丁监狱中被释放。)
All were detained in the Salem Gaol, a grim edifice of granite blocks, iron-barred windows and brick-walled cells.(所有人都被拘禁在萨勒姆监狱中,这是一座用花岗岩砌成、装有铁栅栏窗户和砖墙砌成的牢房构成的可怕建筑。)
While my tour of the set of Game Of Thrones may have gained most attention, my visit to the Crumlin Road Gaol will remain vividly in my mind.(我去《权力的游戏》剧组的探班,受到了很多关注,对克拉姆林道监狱的访问仍然历历在目。。)
Hundreds and thousands of Africans are thrown into gaol each year.(每年都有成百上千的非洲人被关进监狱。)
The cAStle had been used AS a gaol.(那城堡曾用作监狱。)
On September 28, 1830, before a crowd of thousands, Frank Knapp was hanged in front of Salem Gaol.(1830年9月28日,当着数千人的面,弗兰克·克纳普被吊死在萨勒姆监狱前面。)
The man spent several years in gaol for robbery.(这男人因犯抢劫罪而坐了几年牢。)
He could wind up in gaol.(他可能最后会进监狱。)
The paper analyses and explores the importance and application of gaol setting in competitive sports.(本文就目标设置的意义及其在体育运动中的应用作了一些分析及探讨。)
gaol是什么意思 gaol在线翻译 gaol什么意思 gaol的意思 gaol的翻译 gaol的解释 gaol的发音 gaol的同义词