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更新时间:2025-03-10 14:40:10

general hospital

英 [ˈdʒenərəl ˈhɔspitəl]

美 [ˈdʒɛnərəl ˈhɑspɪtl]

  • 网络解释

1. 总医院:当斯坦谈论戏剧时,不管是谈论古希腊的悲剧诗人埃斯库罗斯(Aeschylus)还是谈论20世纪的肥皂剧<>(General Hospital),他说起话来就像一个文学教授(当他穿着几天没洗的、沾有盐粒或胡椒面的、皱巴巴的牛仔衬衫时,外表也像一个文学教授).

2. general hospital的反义词

2. 综合性医院:3、一般健康情况 general health condition | 4、综合性医院 general hospital | 5、总路线 general line

3. general hospital的近义词

3. 综合:tumor hospita 肿瘤医院 | general hospital 综合 | account number 帐目编号

The secret father, a scaffolder, died last December after being discharged from Hexham General Hospital in Northumberland following a hernia operation.(这个神秘的父亲如同一个名不见经传的脚手架工人一样默默无闻。却在去年12月从诺森伯兰郡赫克似汉姆综合医院(HexhamGeneralHospital)做完疝气手术之后被要求出院后去世。)
Massachusetts General Hospital is already sequencing 130 genes from patient tumor samples, looking for mutations that might predict which drugs will work best.(马萨诸塞州总医院130名病人已经测序肿瘤样本基因,突变,可以预测哪些药物会最好看的。)
The two injured men are in a critical but stable condition at San Francisco General Hospital.(被咬伤的年轻人在旧金山总医院就医,两人伤势严重,但情况稳定。)
At the Zainul Abidin General Hospital, at least half of the staff have been directly affected by the tsunami.(在冉诺•阿比丁总医院,至少有半数工作人员直接受到海啸的冲击。)
Rudolph Tanzi, a geneticist at Massachusetts General Hospital, believes this “sucks the life out of young investigators with sharp ideas.”(马萨诸塞州综合医院的遗传学家鲁道夫坦齐认为这些“将有着敏锐思维的年轻研究人员的生命耗尽了”。)
Postmortems were to be carried out on all three bodies at Eastbourne district general hospital.(所有这三具尸体的解剖将在伊斯特本地区总医院进行。)
So for this study, researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital surveyed more than 3,000 investigators at the top 50 academic medical centers.(所以在下面这项研究中,马萨诸塞州综合医院的研究者们调查了来自50所顶尖学术医学中心的3000多名研究者。)
I've also been offered a job at Victoria General Hospital.(我还在维多利亚总部医院得到了一份工作。)
She developed symptoms on 27 September, and was first admitted to a local general hospital on 5 October.(她于9月27日出现症状并于10月5日首次被收住到一家当地综合医院。)
Advocate for the provision of good quality mental health services in primary health care, general hospital Settings and in the community.(倡导在初级卫生保健、一般医院环境和社区中提供质量良好的精神卫生服务。)
general hospital是什么意思 general hospital在线翻译 general hospital什么意思 general hospital的意思 general hospital的翻译 general hospital的解释 general hospital的发音 general hospital的同义词