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英 [ˈdʒenəsɪs]

美 [ˈdʒɛnɪsɪs]


名词复数: geneses

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 发生
  • 创始
  • 起源
  • 开端
  • 【圣经】《创世纪》(《旧约圣经》的首卷)
  • 根由
  • 成因
  • 创作经过
  • 生成
  • 由来
  • 起因


1. a coming into being

Synonym: generation

1. (事物的)开端,诞生,创始
The genesis of something is its beginning, birth, or creation.

e.g. The project had its genesis two years earlier...
e.g. His speech was an exposition of the genesis of the conflict.

  • 经典引文

  • The reconcilers of Genesis with science.

    出自:T. H. Huxley
And then Answers in Genesis responded to my Posting.(此外还有“创世记的答案”网站对我博文的回应。)
I remember when I first got my Sega Genesis console.(我对自己第一次获得世嘉成因游戏机的那一时刻记忆犹新。)
Genesis 9:4-6, you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.(创世纪第9章第4-6节中写到,惟独肉带着血,那就是他的生命,你不能吃。)
When we read the flood story in Genesis 6 through 9, we're often struck by the very odd literary style.(当我们在《创世纪》第6章到第9章中读到关于大洪水故事时,会被非常奇怪的文风震撼。)
In Genesis, humans are important; in Genesis 1 humans are important.(在《创世纪》中,人是重要的,第一章中就说人是重要的。)
But confusion has also arisen because of the unusual genesis of the crisis.(但之所以出现混淆,这场危机非同寻常的起源也是一个原因。)
The making of the firmament in Genesis refers to God's giving us scripture.(《创世纪》里创造苍穹,指的是上帝给我们传达经文。)
I read you Paul's interpretation of the Hagar and Sarah story from Genesis.(我给你们读过保罗对《创世纪》里夏甲和萨拉故事,的解读。)
In the traditional genesis legend in Thailand, the Malayan tapir was made of redundant clay.(在泰国传统的创世纪传说中,马来亚貘是由多余的粘土制成的。)
Genesis recorded a song which took a swipe at greedy property developers who bought up and demolished people's homes.(吉尼西丝录制了一首歌曲,对买下并拆毁他人家园的贪婪房地产开发商进行抨击。)
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