英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ɡræm]

美 [ɡræm]



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1. a metric unit of weight equal to one thousandth of a kilogram

Synonym: gramgmg

1. -> see gram

1. 克:gram molecule 克分子 | gramme 克 | gramme atom 克原子

2. 结尾 -gram结尾:woollen 羊毛的 woolen | 3)-gramme 结尾 -gram结尾 | centigramme 厘克 centigram


3. 克克:gramme 克 | gramme 克克 | grammeatom 克原子

4. 克(重量单位):grain 谷物;谷类 | gramme 克(重量单位) | grammar 语法;语法书

5. gramme:gram; 克

6. gramme:gm.; 克

Based on this point, to set up an operational re-search model for renewal of equipment to solve this problem with dynam IC pro gramme method is viable.(本文从运筹学的角度出发,就设备更新问题建立运筹学模型并运用动态规划的方法对其求解。)
Aigner said that it would be good for all if recommendations of the German Nutrition Society (DGE) would be followed, which would come down to 300-600 gramme of meat per week.(艾格纳说,如果人们能听从德国营养协会的建议,将对大家,对减缓气候变化都好,会使肉食消费降至每周300到600。)
This paper presents the idea of design, the principle of operation, the structure of system, software pro-gramme, its error analysis and so on.(本文主要介绍该系统的设计思想、工作原理、软件程序和误差分析等问题。)
At the Exhibition of Electricity at the Crystal Palace in London, they reported that the Hodson engine was seen driving generators by Brush, Gramme, and Siemens.(在展览的电力水晶宫在伦敦,他们报告说,霍德森引擎被认为是驾驶的发电机,电刷镀,克,西门子等。)
It was found in concentrations of 29 to 850 pico grammes per cubic metre of air. A micro gramme is one trillionth of a gramme.(每立方空气中含有29到850微微克浓度。一微微克是一克的万亿分之一。)
gramme是什么意思 gramme在线翻译 gramme什么意思 gramme的意思 gramme的翻译 gramme的解释 gramme的发音 gramme的同义词