英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [grʌnt]

美 [ɡrʌnt]



副词: gruntingly 名词: grunter 过去式: grunted 过去分词: grunted 现在分词: grunting 第三人称单数: grunts

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  • 作呼噜声,作咕噜声,(猪等)打呼噜
  • 咕哝着说,咕哝着表示
  • 咕哝, 嘟哝
  • 打哼哼, 发哼声
  • 咕噜起来
  • 哼了一声
  • 喃喃地发出一些声音
  • 敷衍说
  • 发出类似的哼声
  • 喉鸣
  • 呼噜声
  • 普通工作人员
  • 美国步兵,士兵,大兵
  • 嘀咕声,哼声,嘟哝声
  • 咕哝
  • 牢骚
  • 电气线路工助手
  • 猪肉
  • 海军陆战队
  • 工作乏味收入低的工人
  • 美洲石鲈科(Haemulidae)鱼,石鲈
  • 粗暴的
  • 闹脾气的
  • 普通的
  • vi. (猪等)作呼噜声 (of animals,especially pigs) make a low rough sound from deep in the throat
  • vi. (指人)发出类似的哼声 (of people) make a similar sound expressing pain,boredom,irritation etc. or indicating inattention or distraction
  • vt. 咕哝着说 utter sth in a grunting way
  • [C](猪等的)呼噜声,(不满等的)嘟哝声,哼哼声 low rough sound made by an animal or a person


1. medium-sized tropical marine food fishes that utter grunting sounds when caught

2. the short low gruff noise of the kind made by hogs

Synonym: oink

3. an unskilled or low-ranking soldier or other worker

e.g. infantrymen in Vietnam were called grunts
he went from grunt to chairman in six years


1. issue a grunting, low, animal-like noise

e.g. He grunted his reluctant approval

1. (尤指因为烦恼或不感兴趣)咕噜,嘟哝着说
If you grunt, you make a low sound, especially because you are annoyed or not interested in something.


e.g. The driver grunted, convinced that Michael was crazy...
e.g. 'Rubbish,' I grunted...

2. (动物)发出哼声,发出咕噜声
When an animal grunts, it makes a low rough noise.


e.g. ...the sound of a pig grunting.

1. (咕噜兵):咕噜兵(Grunt)/狼骑(Raider) 完全不用. 我多次设法使用法师来改变比赛. Grubby:更低的Kodo的hp, 减少诱捕期间-轻微地 (至少使1 个狼骑Raider的诱捕不会连续), 更低的精灵狼的经验值, 增加5秒的哨塔建筑周期,

2. 兽人步兵:例如,假如你有一个妖精飞艇(Goblin Zeppelin)并且你看到一个兽人步兵(Grunt)而想要跟随它、你可以控制这个妖精飞艇来跟随他在步兵上按下滑鼠右键. 不死族玩家可以选择影子(Shade)来跟随著敌人英雄,影子将会跟随者敌人英雄到任何地方.

3. 咕噜:两族的主力兵种,咕噜(Grunt)与火枪(Rifleman)攻击/方与/速度都相同,但是火枪的超远射程可以集中火力轻松地一个个解决血多的步兵. Orc的魔法和空军更是远远比...

4. grunt的反义词

4. (步兵):兵种包括了飞行员(Skyjockey)、狙击手(Long Ranger)、步兵(Grunt)、爆破专家(Demolisher)、烈焰战士(Thermphile)以及间谍(Sneeker)等6种. 根据兵种、阵营和时空主线的差异又细分成24个职业. 由于不同的兵种,

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • The pigs on the truck are grunting.
  • He grunted as the bullet hit him.
  • She grunted some incomprehensible reply.
用作名词 (n.)
  • With a deprecatory grunt, the jackal again complied.

  • He..answered their questions with grunts.

    出自:B. Emecheta
  • Sleek unwieldy porkers were grunting in the repose and abundance of their pens.

    出自:W. Irving
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

But until the ITF rules, it's up to the umpire to decide if a grunt goes too far.(但是,直到国际网球联合会的规则改变,否则就应该由裁判判定喊叫声是否太过分。)
I seem to remember that I tried to snort dismissively, but I was too cold to manage much more than a subdued grunt.(我记得我曾经想去狠狠地鼻嗤它,但是我当时太冷了,最后只能发出一声软弱无力的呼噜声。)
You can draw your blinds and grunt at me on the stairs all you want, No. 7, but I can see your network just fine.(七号房间的你可以在楼梯上对我视而不见或者嘟嘟囔囔,但我却可以查看你的无线网络。)
"Don't grunt," said Alice; "that's not at all a proper way of expressing yourself."(“别咕噜了,”爱丽丝说,“那根本不是表达自己的恰当方式。”)
Besides "fobbit, " older insults for non-combatants include "POG" (person other than grunt) and "hangar pilot."(除了“fobbits,”其它侮辱非战斗人员的老贬义词还包括“POG”(非步兵人员)及“hangarpilot(机库里的飞行员像企鹅一样不会飞的鸟)。”)
No matter how bound up you are, you can usually make some sort of noise, like a grunt.(无论你被捆绑到什么程度,通常你都可以发出某种声音,比如咕噜声。)
China's first planetary probe, the tiny Yinghuo-1 orbiter, will also hitch a ride to Mars with Phobos-Grunt.(中国的第一个行星探测器,小小的“萤火一号”轨道飞行器,也将搭乘“福布斯-格朗特”号飞船前往火星。)
I grunt once in a while so he knows I'm awake, and then I tell him how great it was when it's over.(偶尔咕哝一声,以示我还醒着,等结束时我告诉他那有多棒。)
A while later, when Thomas was taking out his anger on Harold, Alfred swore he heard the doll grunt.(后来有一次,托马斯心情不好拿哈罗德出气,这时阿尔弗雷德发誓说自己听到稻草人嘟囔了一声,“你听见了吗?哈罗德出声了!”)
Phobos-Grunt is Russia's most ambitious space venture in years.(福布斯·格朗特号是俄罗斯近年来最有野心的太空探索项目。)
grunt是什么意思 grunt在线翻译 grunt什么意思 grunt的意思 grunt的翻译 grunt的解释 grunt的发音 grunt的同义词