英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 12:21:45



英 [gaɪz]

美 [ɡaɪz]


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1. an artful or simulated semblance

e.g. under the guise of friendship he betrayed them

Synonym: pretensepretencepretext

1. 外表;外观;外貌;伪装
You use guise to refer to the outward appearance or form of someone or something, which is often temporary or different from their real nature.

e.g. He turned up at a fancy dress Easter dance in the guise of a white rabbit...
e.g. I see myself at different moments of history, in various guises and occupations.

1. 伪装,<<盖事>>伪装盖事:dictionary-字典<>字典得吃透那玩意 | guise-伪装,<>伪装盖事 | dodge-躲闪<>打急了就躲闪

2. 装束:06 Sense of securiy 安全感 | 07 Guise 装束 | 08 Floats 飘浮物

3. 外观:Guinness 黑啤酒 | guise 外观 | guitar 吉他

  • 经典引文

  • And thus unto the Calender In merry guise he spoke.

    出自:W. Cowper
Here he is on his last British visit in 2004 - entertaining 300 sick and disabled children in the guise of a circus clown, Butch Bolognese.(这张图摄于2004年他最后一次访问英国,为了娱乐三百名患病儿童装扮成马戏小丑。)
After a few years, they set up shop in London under the guise of Helen and Peter Kroger, antique booksellers.(几年后,他们以古董书商海伦和彼特·克罗格的伪装在伦敦开了一家店。)
Ah, but could a particularly deceptive bit of malware sneak in under the guise of something legitimate?(啊,有没有可能少数特别的欺骗性的恶意软件假借合法行为的幌子潜入系统?)
Extranets: an old solution in a new guise(外部网:看似不同,其实是一个旧的解决方案)
Local food lets farming lobbies campaign against imports under the guise of environmentalism.(本地食品主义给反对进口的农业游说活动套上了环保的伪装。)
"He asked quietly, suppressing his own emotions to 23 don the soul-deep 24 guise of her spiritual counselor."(他平静地问道,抑制住自己的情绪,故作镇静,发自内心深处地装出一副她的精神导师的姿态。)
But it is back in a new guise.(但是他以一种新的外观回来的。)
“I'd estimate that in the next six to 12 months in Europe, only 30% of syndicated debt will be held by banks, ” says Mr Guise.(Guise说:“我估计,在未来的六至十二个月内,欧洲的银团贷款仅有30%为银行持有。)
The nose project was released in 2005, the year after py.test received its modern guise.(nose项目是于2005年发布的,也就是py.test改名后的一年。)
I raced out back, wobbling up the rope ladder and through the hatch under the guise of conducting a wind-worthiness test.(我飞快地跑回来,爬上摇晃的绳梯,借着检验它抗风性能的名义,走进屋门。)
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