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英 [ˈhəʊmli]

美 [ˈhoʊmli]


比较级: homelier 最高级: homeliest 名词: homeliness

  • 英英释义

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1. lacking in physical beauty or proportion

e.g. a homely child
several of the buildings were downright homely
a plain girl with a freckled face

Synonym: plain

2. having a feeling of home
cozy and comfortable

e.g. the homely everyday atmosphere
a homey little inn

Synonym: homelikehomeyhomy

3. without artificial refinement or elegance

e.g. plain homely furniture
homely manners

4. plain and unpretentious

e.g. homely truths
letters to his son full of homely advice
homely fare

1. 像家一样舒适的
If you describe a room or house as homely, you like it because you feel comfortable and relaxed there.


e.g. I wanted a homely room but I wanted it to look smart, too...
e.g. We try and provide a very homely atmosphere.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 homey

2. (食物)简单的,普通的,家常的
Homely food is simple and ordinary.


e.g. Scottish baking is homely, comforting and truly good.

3. (女子)热情亲切的,家庭主妇型的
If you describe a woman as homely, you mean that she has a warm, comforting manner and looks like someone who would enjoy being at home and running a family.

e.g. Mrs Jones was a pleasant, homely person with a ready smile.

4. 相貌平平的
If you say that someone is homely, you mean that they are not very attractive to look at.

e.g. The man was homely and overweight.

1. 家常的:fleshy 肥胖的 | 35) homely 家常的 | homelike 象家的

2. 朴实的:home 家 | homely 朴实的 | 后+ON

3. 平凡的:coltish不守纪律的 | homely平凡的 | comely美丽的

4. homely

4. 家常的,朴素的:hilarious 喜不自禁的 | homely家常的,朴素的a | homily说教,训诫n

  • 经典引文

  • The end of friendship is a commerce, the most strict and homely that can be joined.

    出自:R. W. Emerson
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

This activity in a wonderful homely way is a version of romance quest.(这个做法是最平常也是最有趣的,是追求浪漫的一种形式。)
Homely food is wholesome, the comedist said on the dome.(家常食品有益于健康,喜剧作家在拱顶上说。)
All ten in each list, with the exception of Sydney and Calgary, might be considered rather homely, even dull.(两项排名中的前十城市,除了悉尼和卡尔加里,可能都被认为很平常普通,甚至缺乏活力。)
I like that restaurant because it has a homely feel.(我喜欢那家餐馆,因为那有家的感觉。)
He was a dapper little Irishman, very vain, homely as a monkey.(他是个短小精干的爱尔兰人,非常自负,丑得象只猴子。)
I was ushered into a homely kitchen warmed by a wood range the size of a small car.(我被引入—间简朴的厨房,里面用来取暖的是—个小汽车大小的木制灶台。)
Martha grinned a little as if at some homely recollection.(玛莎微微咧嘴一笑,仿佛想起了家里什么事来。)
The little homely evenings had all the charm of newness and secrecy.(夜晚小家庭的乐趣有一种新奇、隐秘的魅力。)
And it is the cottage, more homely than the inn, more sacred than the church, that we remember best.(农舍比客店更亲切,比教堂更神圣,它才是深深铭刻在人们心中的英国的标记。)
The domestication of this pattern of loss begins with the homely images of the garden hose and the match.(作品以花园的水管和火柴等家常用品为借喻手段,开始利用家居生活形像化地表现这种失落感。)
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