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英 [ɪˈlɒdʒɪkl]

美 [ɪˈlɑ:dʒɪkl]


副词: illogically 名词: illogicality

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  • 不合逻辑的
  • 悖理的
  • 乖戾的
  • 说不通的
  • 无意义的
  • 不合理的
  • 没有道理的
  • 不合常理的


1. lacking orderly continuity

e.g. a confused set of instructions
a confused dream about the end of the world
disconnected fragments of a story
scattered thoughts

Synonym: confuseddisconnecteddisjointeddisorderedgarbledscatteredunconnected

2. lacking in correct logical relation

Synonym: unlogical

1. 不合逻辑的;有悖逻辑的
If you describe an action, feeling, or belief as illogical, you are critical of it because you think that it does not result from a logical and ordered way of thinking.

e.g. It is illogical to oppose the repatriation of economic migrants...
e.g. She may think your reaction is crazy or illogical, but she cannot deny what you are feeling.

Illogically, I felt guilty.

1. 不合逻辑的:首先,以禅坐与其它自我调节技巧不论在生理或心理上的治疗效果并无显著差异的研究结果,便遽将禅修或禅坐对人类心理或生理的可能影响排除于心理学研究或应用之外,乃是对研究结果不合逻辑的(illogical)解释与推论.


2. 非逻辑的:illogic 不合逻辑 | illogical 非逻辑的 | illuminance 照度

3. illogical什么意思

3. 不符合逻辑的:outline 主要突出事物的轮廓或要点,强调简化了整体 | 174. illogical 不符合逻辑的 | illegal 非法的

4. 缺乏逻辑的:天生的,与生俱来的innate | 缺乏逻辑的illogical | 不爱交际的unsociable

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User input — Highly illogical.(用户输入——毫无逻辑。)
It seems illogical that when I have a need, I should give.(有需要就去给予,这好像不符合逻辑。)
There is one exception to this rule, however. When you feel strongly about an item, even if it seems illogical, you go for it.(当然,这个规则也有一个特例:那便是你要是碰到特别心动的东西,即使看上去不符逻辑,你也一定会买的。)
The first problem was an illogical association of name and place.(头一个问题就是活动名称和会场阴差阳错。)
In other explorations, I found – illogical as it might seem – that fear and dislike can hide and cover up feelings of rejection.(在其他的案例,我发现—尽管看起来不符合逻辑—恐惧和厌恶可能掩饰了抗拒。)
We asked all the children if a certain illogical sentence was grammatically correct: "Apples grow on noses."(我们问所有的孩子一个存在逻辑错误的句子——“苹果长在鼻子上”是否存在语法错误。)
If one does not understand the difference, then that person is disingenuous, irrational and illogical.(如果不明白这之间的差异,那么这个人就是虚伪的、无理性的、不合逻辑的。)
And if it seems illogical it doesn't matter.(要是这动向不符合逻辑也不要紧。)
If I'm right, we should foster a creative spirit because a dose of illogical creativity will complement the rationality of the machine.(如果我是对的,我们应该培养创新精神,因为不合逻辑的创造力将补充机器的合理性。)
This is often an illogical thing to do when such content can justly be used as part of the same paragraph flow.(如果这些内容仅仅是同一段落流中的一部分,这样做常常不合逻辑。)
illogical是什么意思 illogical在线翻译 illogical什么意思 illogical的意思 illogical的翻译 illogical的解释 illogical的发音 illogical的同义词