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更新时间:2025-03-10 15:29:38


英 [ɪˌlu:mɪ'nɑ:tɪ]

美 [ɪˌluməˈnɑti]


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  • 先觉者
  • 光明会之会员(十六世纪西班牙一异端教派之教友)
  • 自称天才的人们
  • 光照派(各种自称获得上帝特别光照启示的基督教神秘主义派别的总称)
  • 智者

1. 有睿智的人:Illuminaten 光明会会员 | illuminati 有睿智的人 | illuminating 照亮的


2. 先知:辩证的 dialectic | 先知 illuminati | 佛教 Buddhism

When necessary we can place ourselves and our craft within cloaks of invisibility, and there is no hiding place from us, as we regularly have a presence at the secret meetings of the Illuminati.(当合适的时候我们能够把我们自己安置在那里,穿上隐形的披风,从我们这里没有可以藏身的地方,因此对于“光照派”的秘密会议我们也经常到场。)
Here, Hall mentions a "silence" and lack of information regarding the workings of Secret Societies during the 17th and 18th century, the epoch during which the Bavarian Illuminati was active.(在这里,霍尔提及17世纪和18世纪时的一个“沉默”和缺乏资料的有关秘密社团的运作,在此期间巴伐利亚光明会是活跃的。)
Our family members overhead and those in your midst are in constant contact and all are diligently serving to help you bring to an end the long era of Illuminati control.(在头顶上的我们家庭成员们和那些在你们中间不断进行接触的,所有人都在勤勉的服务你们,带来长期光照派控制的结束。)
Some of the most interesting documents on the Illuminati were written by initiates of Secret Societies as they understood the philosophical and spiritual undercurrent driving the movement forward.(光明会一些最有趣的文件是由秘密社团的创始者所写的,因为他们明白驱动该运动向前的哲学上和精神上的暗流。)
Wang Guowei as the illuminati of the times, in a unique way respond to the times: involved in the academic research to keep an eye on the mental and the humanities of the times.(王国维成为这种时代风气的先觉者,并以一种独特的方式对时代作出回应:潜心学术,对时代作出一种精神层面的关照,透露着明显的人文关怀倾向。)
Although the name Illuminati "is not used, if viewers substitute in the name" the fathers "for Illuminati fathers, they will get an insider's view of life at the top."(虽然名称光明“没有使用,如果观众的名称取代”教父“为光明的父亲,他们将获得权威信息,即生活在最上方。”)
He did so at great risk to himself, and he paid the ultimate price when the Illuminati were tipped off by some of the song titles on the Dangerous album.(他冒着非常巨大的风险在他《Dangerous》专辑中,利用几首歌的标题影射光明会,最终他为此付出了代价。)
Even now the Illuminati still look for the means of restricting your freedom further, but it will be pointless as they will be removed before it can benefit them.(即使是现在,光照派仍然在寻找限制你们自由的方法,但是这些毫无用处,在起作用之前就将被移除。)
Skeptics say there's no evidence to support the existence of the Illuminati, but conspiracy theorists say that the lack of evidence actually proves the group exists.(怀疑者说,没有证据表明光照派确实存在,但是阴谋论者说,缺少证据恰恰就证明了这个组织的存在。)
After achieving the rank of King of Pop, Michael began to realize the danger the Illuminati presented to mankind and approached the CIA offering to spill the secrets in exchange for protection.(在他荣获流行天王的荣誉之后,迈克尔意识到了光明会将会给人类带来的灾难。于是他就主动联系中情局寻求保护,作为交换条件,他会泄漏一些与光明会有关的秘密。)
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