英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 15:55:33


英 [ɪmˈpreʃənəbl]

美 [ɪmˈprɛʃənəbəl]


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名词: impressionability

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  • 易受影响的,易受感动的,易感的(尤指年轻人)
  • 敏感的
  • 可以打上记号的
  • 可塑的,易印的,易刻的
  • 容易接受的,容易感受的



1. easily impressed or influenced

e.g. an impressionable youngster
an impressionable age
a waxy mind

Synonym: waxyimpressible

1. (通常指年轻人)易受影响的,无主见的,无判断力的
Someone who is impressionable, usually a young person, is not very critical and is therefore easy to influence.


e.g. The law is intended to protect young and impressionable viewers.
e.g. ...seven years old, which is apparently the age at which you are most impressionable.
7 岁,明显是一个最易受人影响的年龄

1. impressionable

1. 容易受感动的:impression 印象 | impressionable 容易受感动的 | impressional 印象的

2. 易受影响的:impression 印像 | impressionable 易受影响的 | impressionablesusceptive 易感的

3. 易感的, 易受影响的, 敏感的 (形):impression 印象, 盖印, 意念 (名) | impressionable 易感的, 易受影响的, 敏感的 (形) | impressionism 印象主义, 印象批评, 印象派 (名)

4. 易感的/敏感的/易受影响的:impressionability /敏感/ | impressionable /易感的/敏感的/易受影响的/ | impressional /印象的/

  • 经典引文

  • How impressionable he wasshe had been speaking French when they came out of Hiroshima Mon Amour.

    出自:J. Mortimer
They are at an age when they are impressionable and most parents including myself are with Mr Turner.(这个年龄段的孩子缺乏判断力,包括我自己在内的大多数家长都支持特纳校长的做法。)
And to set a good example for all the impressionable young gangsters that might take his message the wrong way.(为那些可能误会他的敏感的年轻歹徒树立好的榜样。)
We will have a situation where older, richer women are preying on very young and impressionable girls who may not fully appreciate the risks involved.(会出现一种情况,年纪大的,富有的女人的“掠食”可能还无法完全理解其中风险的,非常年轻,易受影响的女孩。)
He could have set a positive ethical example to people watching all over the world, including the many millions who are young and impressionable.(他本可以给全世界观看比赛的观众,包括上百万易受感染的年轻人的面前树立一个正面的道德榜样。)
And it analyzes the impressionable factor what influence the stability of cavern by compare with other factors.(通过比较,得出影响溶洞稳定性的敏感因素,并进行分析。)
Or perhaps to redirect their impressionable minds from Lu Xun's moody introspection towards a more exuberant self-confidence.(或者是为了将少年人由鲁迅悲观的反省引向更有朝气与活力的自信。)
It's possible you'll be more impressionable and less objective when your emotions get the better of you in your relationships.(这是一个很好的技能,也能为你的工作带来很多优势。)
Highly sensitive and impressionable, he was unsuited to fame - ironic, given that his became one of the most recognised faces in the world.(他天生敏感、易受影响,无法适应成名后的生活——讽刺的是,他还是世界上妇孺皆知的名角。)
Pisces: imaginative, other worldly, impressionable, and seeks transcendence of self.(双鱼:富有想象力的,另类世俗,易受影响,并寻求超越自我。)
He is in a highly impressionable state.(他正处于极易受影响的状态。)
impressionable是什么意思 impressionable在线翻译 impressionable什么意思 impressionable的意思 impressionable的翻译 impressionable的解释 impressionable的发音 impressionable的同义词