英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 13:00:46



英 [ˌɪndəʊ'ni:zjə]

美 [ˌɪndə'ni:ʒəˌ -ʃəˌ -doʊ-]


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  • 印度尼西亚(简称印尼东南亚岛国)
  • 马来群岛
  • 印度尼西亚共和国(首都为Jakarta)
  • 《印度尼西亚》半年刊

1. 印尼:它从来没有放弃过对南中国海的渴望,从来没有停止过侵占南沙诸岛的步伐. 菲律宾士兵的子弹正在穿透中国渔民的胸膛,菲律宾的国旗正在中国的领土上飘扬. 菲律宾,一个中国绝对不能忽视的国家. 第九位--印-尼(Indonesia) 威胁指数:7 实力指数:5综...

2. 印尼(印度尼西亞):印尼/印度尼西亚(Indonesia)国旗印尼国旗为上红下白二色旗帜,红色代表自由与勇气,白色象徵正义与纯洁;印尼国徽是一只金色巨鹰(Garuda),胸前挂着一张盾牌,盾牌上的五个图案星星、项链、水牛头、榕树、棉花与稻穗,

3. (印尼印尼印尼印尼):Burma) 仰光仰光仰光仰光(Yangon)C01 柬埔寨柬埔寨柬埔寨柬埔寨(Cambodia) 金边金边金边金边(Phnom Penh)D01 印尼印尼印尼印尼(Indonesia) 雅加达雅加达雅加达雅加达(Jakarta)D02 印尼印尼印尼印尼(Indonesia) 巴淡岛巴淡岛巴淡

In Indonesia, she finds yet another piece of herself: the balance between the pleasures of eating and praying.(在印度尼西亚,她又找到了另一份自我:在吃的乐趣与祈祷的乐趣之间的平衡。)
Indonesia, with 216 million people, is the fourth most populous country in the world.(印度尼西亚,2.16亿人口,是人口占世界第4位的国家。)
Does the idea of affecting the world make you hyperventilate a bit—like you might have to join the Peace Corps or adopt an orphan from Indonesia?(对世界产生影响的想法是否会让你有点喘不过气来——比如你可能不得不加入和平队,或者收养一个来自印尼的孤儿?)
In Indonesia, for example, on the coast of Aceh, only one hospital remains operational.(例如,在印度尼西亚的亚齐海岸,只有一所医院仍在运营。)
She just spent several months studying social interactions in Indonesia and she's been influential in ethnology.(她刚在印度尼西亚花了几个月的时间研究了社会互动,而且她在人类文化学方面也很有影响。)
The parliaments of Australia and Indonesia have yet to ratify the treaty.(澳大利亚和印度尼西亚议会还未批准该条约。)
A pilot encountered an ash plume from the erupting Mount Galunggung in Java, Indonesia in 1982.(1982年,一名飞行员在印度尼西亚的爪哇岛遇到了从喷发的加隆贡火山喷发出的火山灰羽。)
If you've ever visited parts of Indonesia and if you've ever visited parts of China, I am told that you will hear this kind of music.(如果你曾去过印尼的部分地方,如果你曾去过中国的部分地方,有人告诉我说你会听到这种音乐。)
Choo and other Sun Cruises officials could not immediately be reached for further comment, as they were away in Indonesia.(无法立即联系到Choo和SunCruises的其他官员以获得进一步的评论,因为他们都远在印尼。)
But in Indonesia, extremely dry forests are in flames.(但在印度尼西亚,极度干旱的森林正熊熊燃烧。)
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