英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:45:23
  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释

  • 无限地
  • 极其
  • 无穷地
  • 非常
  • 无数地
  • 庞大地


1. continuing forever without end

e.g. there are infinitely many possibilities

Synonym: endlessly

2. without bounds

e.g. he is infinitely wealthy

Synonym: boundlesslyimmeasurably

1. 无限地:infinitely variable speeds 无级变速 | infinitely 无限地 | infinitesimal 极微的

2. 无限地,无穷地:2) relative 相对的 | 3) infinitely 无限地,无穷地 | 4) solar 太阳系的

3. 绝对:measured固定的 | infinitely绝对 | interaction相互作用

4. 无穷地,无限地:indefinitely不明确地,不确定地 | infinitely 无穷地,无限地 | contemporarily 当代的,同时的

He was infinitely more assured than in his more recent concert appearances.(比起他之后的音乐会上露面他那次要有信心得多。)
Is God infinitely good?(天主是全善的么?)
God loves you infinitely more than you can imagine.(神的爱远超过你所能想像的。)
The human brain is almost infinitely malleable.(人类大脑具有无限的可塑性。)
He finds country life infinitely preferable to living in the city.(他觉得乡村生活比都市生活称心得多。)
We have a relationship infinitely superior to those of many of our friends.(我们之间的关系远比我们许多朋友之间的关系好得多。)
The suffering of poor Pakistanis is infinitely worse.(可怜的巴基斯坦人民处境艰难痛苦。)
Modern attitudes to Roman civilization range from the infinitely impressed to the thoroughly disgusted.(现代人对罗马文明的态度,从印象极其深刻到彻底厌恶都有。)
Such a list may be long but not infinitely so.(这个问题清单可能很长,但不会是无限制的。)
Like him, she was infinitely restless and easily bored.(像他一样,她永远无法安静下来,容易感到厌倦。)
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